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How Some Diet Programs Can Cause Bad Breath

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A sudden change in your diet can be the cause of bad breath.
Both high protein/low carb diets and fasting will cause ketosis so those who are following a diet of such foods in order to get rid of weight quickly may find their breath begins to smell quite bad.
Therefore, it is best to have a diet prepared especially for you to avoid suffering with bad breath whilst trying to lose weight.
Bad Oral Hygiene Although mouth washes make your mouth feel fresh, they only have a temporary affect at curbing bad breath.
Keeping bad breath away by improving your personal mouth hygiene will have a much more lasting result and this is because the lack of regular brushing and flossing are the main causes of halitosis.
There may be occasions when you are eating away from home and you will not be able to clean your teeth or floss when you have finished your meal.
This will result in your breath smelling bad, especially if you have eaten spicy dishes or food cooked using pungent ingredients such as onions and garlic.
However, quite often the cause of your bad breath can be controlled easily.
You should avoid getting into the habit of not brushing your teeth and flossing before going to bed and remember to drink plenty of water every day.
Irregular appointments at the dentists will result in bacterial colonies forming in the gums which are really difficult to completely get rid of and although there are some beneficial bacteria which live in a healthy way in your mouth you really need to get rid of the harmful kind, so a combination of good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist should keep halitosis at bay.
Is Halitosis a sign of Diabetes? Diabetes is quite often not spotted in its early states.
Research has shown that many people suffering with this condition may actually be diabetic for years before it comes to light.
However, during this time when the body burns fat instead of carbs for energy, ketones build up in the blood and are released when passing urine, through sweating and also through the breath you exhale.
The latter of these is another cause of bad breath and unfortunately this can not be dealt with by the dentist.
The dentist will refer you to a specialist when it is known that the bad breath is not originating from a problem within the mouth.
It is thought that diabetes and bacterial infections may well be related as high blood sugar often lowers immunity.
As with any dieting or exercise program, it is best to consult your doctor before starting.
The side-effects may not always be what you want.

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