Make Your Shoes Shine Like Mirrors
- 1). Brush your shoes with a clean, dry brush to remove any dirt and dust, using an up-and-down and side-to-side motion. Wipe your shoes with a clean cloth afterward to remove more dust and dirt.
- 2). Apply the wax polish to your shoes. Pour a generous amount of shoe wax polish on a clean dry cloth and apply it to your shoes. Rub your shoes in a circular motion until they look cloudy. Let your shoes dry.
- 3). Shine your shoes with a brush. Make sure to include shining the back and sides of the shoes. Continue brushing until your shoes appear shiny.
- 4). Apply 3 to 4 clean drops of water on each of your shoes. Polish them using a clean soft cloth in a circular motion. You will notice that your shoes are becoming shinier. Continue polishing until you see your reflection. Avoid adding too much water to avoid rubbing off the wax polish.