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How Long Will it Take to Lose 20 Pounds?

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Are you wondering, "how long will it take to lose 20 pounds"? Many people wonder about specific amounts of weight loss when they start a fitness program or diet.
Every person is different.
There are a few factors that should be considered before you will find the answer that specifically applies to you.
You will need to ask yourself a few questions.
One thing you will need to look at is how much weight you have to lose overall.
Are you very overweight or obese? Or, do you have 5 pounds to lose? If you are heavier, you will lose weight more quickly.
You will lose 5 pounds faster than someone who only has a small amount of weight to lose.
How hard are you willing to work? If you work hard and exercise often, you can lose weight at a fast pace.
Exercising helps you to burn calories and fat faster.
It is a good idea to add exercise to your daily routine.
The harder you work your body, the more calories you will burn.
Of course, you will need to check with your doctor before suddenly beginning an exercise program.
You want to be sure to begin exercising in a healthy way.
You will also need to figure out how self-disciplined you will be.
If you can stick to whichever diet program you choose, you will see better results than someone who consistently cheats on their plan.
There is one factor that seems to matter a great deal.
This is the support of your family and friends.
If you have the support of those who are constantly around you, it will be easier to stick to any diet and fitness plan.
If the people around you are jealous or have a desire to sabotage your efforts, it can be next to impossible to stick to a plan.
It is best to gather these people together and ask for their support.
If you can get the people in your household to join you, you will have the easiest time of all.
A person who is devoted to their diet and exercise program can lose 20 pounds in two weeks or two months, depending on the factors listed above.
When trying to figure out "how long will it take to lose 20 pounds?", you need to take the above factors into careful consideration.
The answer is really up to you.

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