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An Effective Natural Yeast Infection Remedy

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Looking for an effective, natural yeast infection remedy? You're not alone! Yeast infection are more common with women but they also can occur in men.
Why is this? Well having relations can pass the yeast infection from partner to partner.
I try staying away from over the counter medicines and go the more natural approach.
I think that we take too many prescription pills and medications today and I wanted to see what other natural, safer options there are in the form of herbs, oils, balms, etc.
If you get a mouth yeast infection you should avoid sugars, drink plenty of water, and you may also try Gentian Violet.
I never had this particular problem in my mouth but if you will follow these steps you really can't go wrong.
Over the counter medicines also present a problem because you might kill too much bacteria and this can lead to additional problems.
Trying a natural yeast infection remedy method first would be recommended.
If you do have a yeast infection right now there are natural measures you can take.
For instance, you can try using apple cider vinegar.
The best way to use apple cider vinegar for an infection is to pour about a cup of it into a warm bath.
You don't want to apply it directly to the skin.
Oil of oregano has been known to fight and infection when it is taken internally.
Garlic is another method that works very well.
What worked for me were garlic tabs that I mixed with water and drank.
Last but not least plain, unsweetened yogurt, which can be taken internally or externally can work well.
Yogurt not only tastes good but is also healthy for you and is an excellent natural yeast infection remedy.

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