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We love Pilates. We love TRX. And we love them separately and together. It's no coincidence so many Pilates studios now offer TRX training, either in group classes or integrated into personal Pilates training sessions. With a slogan of "all core all the time" TRX exercises require constant abdominal engagement, relying on Pilates principles of proper activation.

Performing classical Pilates exercises such as The Magician Series and Boomerang on the TRX can be progressed or assisted, depending on the practitioner's distance from the anchor point. This makes a TRX Pilates-style class perfect for mixed levels and abilities - those with little Pilates experience, but top physical form and a sports background will be challenged by the intrinsic core recruitment required, while those with a Pilates background wanting to strengthen global muscles will be seriously sore after class. Movement on the TRX can be athletic, quick and powerful, as well as smooth, elongated and all about eccentric muscular lengthening. We encourage you to mix n match your workouts to stay fresh and challenged - no one is really "just a Pilates girl" or a TRX guy - both workouts offer huge synergistic benefits when added to an exercise regime.

A Helpful Guide for Fitness Newbies:

Starting a fitness routine can feel daunting, especially if you've never been one to work out. Here are a few ways to get the most out of your workouts and prevent injuries, as well as some pointers that will enable you to stick with your routine.

1. Choose activities that you actually like. The fastest way to deflate your motivation and become bored is to pick exercises that you can't stand. If you have no idea what interests you, find out what types of classes are taught at your local gym, and sign up for something you've always wanted to try.

2. Before beginning an exercise routine, discuss your plans with your physician. This is especially important if you are obese or if you have had respiratory, cardiovascular or mobility issues in the past. Your doctor will let you know if you are healthy enough for physical activity and will define limitations if you do have any health problems.

3. Get yourself fitted for high-quality shoes. They don't have to be flashy or even terribly expensive, but shoes that fit your feet properly and provide ample support are important for working out. Choose shoes that fit the type of exercising you plan to do; running necessitates a lightweight shoe, while dance requires flexible shoes. Visit a specialty store if you need help choosing shoes.

4. Take it easy at first. You don't have to run a marathon on your first day! Ease into whatever exercise you choose, and don't be afraid to modify exercises based on your ability. You will become stronger as you work out, but being patient at the beginning is essential for preventing injuries. A bit of soreness is normal, but if you find that you are too sore to move after your first workout, you may want to slow down a bit.

5. Listen to your body. Drink when you are thirsty, eat something healthy when you feel hungry, and slow down when your muscles tell you to. Part of becoming fit is learning to listen to--and accept--such cues from your body. If a particular muscle feels overworked or strained, allow it to rest.

6. Work on your flexibility. Becoming more flexible gives you a wider range of motion and makes exercises easier to do. It also reduces the risk of injuries. Yoga, pilates, stretching and other exercises are all great ways to enhance your flexibility.

7. Cool down after a workout. Gentle stretching after your workout gives your muscles a chance to relax and prevents the build-up of lactic acid. This may help to prevent soreness after a workout.

There's no reason to fear the process of getting in shape with these tips under your belt. Just remember that everyone starts somewhere, and with consistency, you will be well on your way to a fitter, healthier lifestyle.

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