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Norethindrone And Breastfeeding Babies Should Concern Mothers

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Should women be concerned about norethindrone and breastfeeding? If you answered "Yes", you have every right to be concerned as any mother who is breastfeeding her baby should.
Norethndrone is a prescription drug that is given to women to control birth, otherwise referred to as birth control pills.
This drug will either contain natural or synthetic forms of estrogen in combination with progestin, both of which are an attempt to mimic a woman's natural hormones called estrogen and progesterone.
Norethindrone is normally taken to reduce the chance of pregnancy in women.
It is known norethindrone and brestfeeding your baby has certain side effects that you should be aware of while breastfeeding.
Norethindrone can lower breastmilk production and the drug can also be passed into the breastmilk.
This is not to say that all women will experience a reduction in breastmilk production, but why take the chance of passing the drug to your baby through your breastmilk.
Some recommendations to mothers that are breastfeeding is for the mother to avoid any type of estrogren contraceptivie until the baby is 6 months or older.
The concern with taking norethindrone while breastfeeding is the fact a young infant cannot effectively metabolize the synthetic hormone because and infants liver is not equipped to handle it.
Although the American Academy of Pediatrics has stated the hormones contained in estrogen drugs like norethindrone are approved for use by breastfeeding mothers, a mothers should still be cautious with norethindrone and breastfeeding or breastfeeding while taking any drug for that matter.
Norethindrone and brestfeeding may cause your baby to be irritable in behavior, or as referred to as being "fussy".
If you notice that your baby is fussy and you're taking norethindrone, keep in mind this can be caused by the estrogen hormones in the drug decreasing the nitrogen and protein levels in the breastmilk.
Here are some things that you may want to know about Norethindrone.
Norethindrone may cause side effects.
Make sure you inform our physician if any of these symptoms are severe and persist in any form: ochanges in menstrual flow odifficulty falling asleep or staying asleep oirregular vaginal bleeding or spotting ogrowth of hair on face oweight changes oenlarged or tender breasts oupset stomach oacne Remember, these are some side effects that may occur in a grown woman; remember the "fussy baby"? Let's site a few more side effects concerning Norethindrone and brestfeeding: This medication could cause depression, headache, nausea, irritability, dizziness, sleeplessness, or vomiting.
Now be aware that these effects should disappear as your body adjusts to the norethindrone.
Call your doctor if these problems don't go away.
Breastfeeding has been a natural part of motherhood since humans have been in existence.
Drugs have not always existed as we know it today.
Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for your baby, and mothers should take caution before jeopardizing that precious source of nutrition just for the sake of convenient birth control methods such as "the pill".
If you're really concerned about Norethindrone and brestfeeding, consult with your doctor to find out what alternatives contraceptives are available to you while breastfeeding.

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