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Important Tips On How To Lose Pure Body Fat, Not Just Water

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Most diets boasts fast weight-loss but they don't tell you that it's mostly water so actually you're still stuck with the fat weight which means quick weight regain. To lose pure body fat means to drop genuine pounds from actual fat-loss and not just from water. Permanent fat loss requires more intervention than just taking diet pills everyday. A Change in eating habits is a great start.

The types of foods that you eat, the times that they are eaten, and the portions all affect weight gains or weight losses. With the exception of damaged thyroid function or any related problems where the bodies metabolism is kept from functioning properly on it's own, the bodies own,built right in, metabolism can produce desired results to lose pure body fat all by itself. Learning proper eating habits, from birth, is the one thing that most people aren't taught and, in my opinion, is one area that would truly benefit most people greatly even on through adulthood. Childhood obesity is at an all time high as I write this article and had a small percentage of the 64% of overweight people in the U.S. alone would have been taught better eating habits from childhood not only would that 64% been smaller but we probably wouldn't have the childhood obesity stats that we now have.

Things that we are taught while in the childhood stages are with us on through to our adulthood stages. Proper eating habits should be one of those things, given the statistics on childhood obesity today as well as the bad eating habits of adults too. But before you can teach better eating habits you'd have to use them yourself. Billions of dollars are spent each and every year in the health industry on dieting products to either try to lose pure body fat or in fighting for our lives because of health issues that excessive body fat has caused us. I guess the old adage, "you can pay me now or pay me later" is true, at least where this issue is concerned in the health's dieting industry.

Actually most people don't understand how the human (their own) body works and many probably could, to some degree, care less until something goes wrong and gets their attention the hard way. Some good tips that anyone can follow that can be used and don't require anything special in order to to lose a few pounds are:

1. Eat 5 smaller meals through out the days as opposed to 3 larger ones.
Eat meals that consist of sensible foods high in fiber and protein. It's okay to treat yourself every now and then. Just don't get obsessed. Did you know that the actual process of your body breaking down foods (digestion) burns calories? So if you eat several meals throughout the day, you'll burn up more calories through the digestion process causing you to Lose pure body fat. This is why strenuous exercise isn't important. Just remember that the foods that you ingest should be of foods that manipulate your body's metabolism.

2. Always eat breakfast, and do it within the first hour of your getting up.

Check out this eating schedule:
A. 7:00 a.m. - Eat breakfast
B. 10:00 a.m. - Eat a light snack
C. 12:00 p.m. - Eat lunch
D. 4:00 p.m. - Eat a another snack
E. 7:00 p.m. - Eat a small dinner with a treat

Late night snacking is o.k. if you're planning to stay up for at least 3 hours after the snack is eaten. So if 1 A.M. is bedtime then nothing should be eaten after 10 P.M. Also it should be known that when snacking late at night your food may not properly digest which can cause morning gas and stomach cramps. Late night snacking can also cause your body to work by forcing your body to use its energy on digestion,. when it should be resting causing you to be tired in the morning.

Another culprit of becoming overweight that many people are guilty of but are not always concious of is emotional eating. Emotional eating is eating related to stress, depression, lacking emotional support from friends, family or loved ones etc. Stress and depression also causes an increase production of the hormone cortisol and can also add more stomach fat.

The process above is a brief description of fat burning and it is a very well known, very effective method to lose pure body fat quickly and safely without the aid of any chemicals, diet pills, strenuous exercise etc. Simply by eating the right type of foods at the right intervals can go a long way in changing ones eating habits while reaping effective benefits of fat loss. This type of fat burning can be considered as permanent weight loss (because of the changes in eating habits) and with continued use of it no returning of weight should be expected.

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