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The Right Posture

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There are three curves on the back - cervical curve (neck), thoracic curve (upper back area) and the lumbar curve (lower back or bottom). A support for the back is ideal to support all these three curves in a sitting position. In short, the back support accommodates and supports the natural curvature of the spine, i.e, all three curves.

During the regular movements of the body, there is pressure on the muscles and ligaments that support the back, especially in the lower back. A position that minimizes this pressure is considered a good posture. It is important to pay attention to body position, as it plays an essential role in the overall well-being. Poor sitting posture can force the spine into an unnatural position. Besides the discomfort and the pain, this could also lead to the spine hunching. Support for chairs helps the body maintains the correct seating position.

The human back tends to settle to the seat due to gravity. If you have muscle weakness, just the simple act of sitting can lead to the upper body weight exert pressure on the muscles of the lower back. This leads to just two curves on the back instead of three curves, when seated. When the pressure of the spinal column increases, it will cause spinal discs to compress and lead to nerves getting pinched. This is another reason for the pain and discomfort. This pain caused by pinched nerves can cause constant pain and cramps in the body, especially the neck, back and shoulders and legs. If you already suffer from a slip disc problems, the experience sitting without proper support might be very painful.

Back supports tend to support and guide the back to the natural sitting posture. They retain the back in its groove, and distribute your weight over a wider area. This reduces the pressure on the hips, buttocks and back. Back support for chairs are very useful for relief to troubled back. Having said that not every support you find in the market would be as helpful as it might be for another person. The comfort from using back support for chairs is more dependent on the body structures of the individual. Back support for chairs you choose should maintain all three curves of the back, all the time when sitting.They should be small, robust, and should not lead to restricted movements of other parts of the body, like arms.

Using of back support helps retain the right posture of the back. This also causes enormous amount of relief to the pain caused by the wrong posture of the body.

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