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Homemade Bow Sling

104 69

    Build the Sling

    • Buy a brown, black or green nylon strap measuring at least 36 inches. Adjust the length of the strap based on the length of the bow and body size of the user. For example, if you shoot a compact bow measuring 30 inches axle-to-axle, you can trim the strap to less than 30 inches. Cut off 30 inches of the strap and sew each end around a quick release buckle. Using heavy-duty yarn, overlap the strap at least one inch and sew several times for reinforcement. The nylon strap can be found at a local hardware store, and the buckles should be available at a fabric store.

    Attach to the Bow

    • Cut the remaining six inches of strap in half. Wrap the straps around each limb pocket and sew the other end of the quick release buckle to the straps. Place the buckle on the outside of the bow that will allow the sling to be carried over the shoulder. Move the buckles based on personal preference or limb angles. You may have to adjust the position of the buckles on bows with parallel limbs. Attach the two ends of the buckles and the sling is on the bow and ready to use.


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