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Swollen Gums: How Vitamin C Helps

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Since the 18th century, the importance of vitamin C has been recognized by people around the world. In fact, vitamin C has been identified as one of the key vitamins that's responsible for bone growth, growth of the connective tissues, gum health, tooth health and overall bodily health. During the 18th century, many sailors would stock up on limes and lemons when they were docked at port so that they could best prevent illnesses like scurvy, and so that they could maintain good oral health.

Since the limes and lemons lasted longer, they provided an adequate source of vitamin C when the sailors were away on the ocean for long periods of time. Today, the importance of vitamin C and preventing swollen gums and keeping good oral health is just as important as it ever was.

How Vitamin C Aids in Good Gum Health

Gums are a connective tissue, which is maintained in part by the body's production of collagen, which promotes the growth of connective tissues. People who suffer from a vitamin C deficiency have been historically known to suffer from swollen gums and poor gum health.

When there is a lack of vitamin C in the body it can lead to swollen gum because the body is not adequately nourishing the gum tissues to keep them healthy. Generally, a vitamin C deficiency is also related to receding gums as well swollen gums, infected gums and other gum problems such as gum diseases.

Vitamin C is Crucial in the Synthesis of Collagen to Prevent Swollen Gum

It is of medical fact that vitamin C is a critical part of the synthesis – or development – of collagen. It also works to prevent and treat swollen gum by reinforcing the tissue walls and the strength of the tissues, as well as boosting the immune system to better combat infections that lead to swollen gums, gum infections and gum disease.

One study showed that people who took more than the daily recommended amount of vitamin C were less likely to suffer from swollen gum and gingivitis (gum disease) than those who did not. While not always related, swollen gums, in many cases, are the early signs of gum diseases or periodontal diseases.

Easy Way to Get Vitamin C to Prevent Swollen Gums

While vitamin C is not the one-all and be-all cure for swollen gum, it is an incremental vitamin that is essential for good gum health, and that can work to help increase your preventative methods for combating the onset of gum disease and swollen gums. Since it is water soluble, you must take it daily. The easiest way to get your daily allotment of vitamin C in is by taking supplements that are rich in it.

There are some fruits that are rich in vitamin C as well: oranges, grapefruit, mango, papaya, kiwi fruit, red pepper, strawberry and cantaloupe are all great sources of vitamin C. If you suspect that you suffer from swollen gum, its important that you see your dentist as soon as possible so you can gain expert diagnoses to ensure that your swollen gum are not the sign of something more serious, like gum disease.

Author Bio:

Gums are a connective tissue, which is maintained in part by the body's production of collagen, which promotes the growth of connective tissues.

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