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Whitening Children"s Teeth - Cautions and Considerations

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We all are well aware of the fact that baby teeth or primary teeth are more often than not, more white than permanent teeth.
This difference in the enamel color becomes more pronounced when the adult teeth start growing at side of the baby teeth.
As the children grow, their teeth grow in size and often become whiter.
Some of the reasons that may result in teeth staining in children and thus produce the requirement for children's teeth whitening: 1.
High fevers resulting in spotting and streaking of teeth.
Genetic traits.
Decalcification of the minerals in the enamel.
Excessive fluoride use.
Tetracycline use.
Two of the children's teeth whitening methods: 1.
Home bleaching under dental supervision: For whitening of children's teeth, always consult a dentist before home bleaching.
Use a teeth whitening tray bleach with lowest concentration of whitening gel.
This method is suited best for children of or above the age of 11.
Enamel microabrasion: Stains or surface enamel color defects can be removed by enamel microabrasion.
It is safe for children as young as 6 or 7 years of age.
Some of the cautions and considerations that must be kept in mind before or while going for whitening of children's teeth are as follows:
  1. Whitening by using bleaching accompanied with light is not advisable for children of less than eighteen years of age in order to avoid pulp damage.
  2. For children's teeth whitening, teeth whitening tray is most advisable albeit with lowest concentration of the whitening gel.
    Prolonged treatment under a dentist's supervision may help in acquiring the desired result.
  3. Especially in case of children, teeth whitening can become addictive.
    If the dentist and the product manufacturer's instructions are not followed properly teeth's whitening may become addictive.
  4. Hypersensitivity is common in children under the age of eighteen.
    Hence children's teeth whitening should be performed carefully and cautiously.
    Dentists can play a major role in helping the patients in setting realistic expectations and to avoid overuse or abuse of whitening agents.
Also a matter of concern is that the child's teething is not complete especially in case of primary teeth.
With the growth of the child, the gingival edge will naturally shift thus exposing enamel which did not establish contact with the bleaching agent earlier.
Hence, more bleaching will be required.
The child's guardian/parent should realize this and get the treatments done regularly.
Tooth sensitivity and gingival irritation following bleaching, is common in children and adolescents.
Researches and related studies suggest that depending upon the duration, frequency and dose excessive use of peroxide is potentially dangerous.
Whitener overuse, especially amongst children causes harmful consequences and toxicity.
So, for children's teeth whitening, proper evaluation, stringent criteria and cautious case selection is recommended.

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