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Want to avoid getting yellow nails from a nail fungus infection? Here"s how.

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Yellow nails are one of the most obvious symptoms of a common fungal infection called onychomycosis which infects the nail bed on the underside of the nail. In addition to an unsightly yellow nail discoloration, fungal nails are characterized by thickening, brittleness, crumbling as well as a separation of the nail from the nail bed.

Onychomycosis is normally painless, although the disease is progressive and, if the nail thickens considerably or separates from the nail bed, sufferers may find if painful when wearing shoes (or using their fingers if their fingernails are infected). As fungi thrive in warm, moist, protected environments such as in shoes and socks, nail fungus infections are more common in toenails than in fingernails.

If you want to avoid getting infected, here are the top 5 things to consider:

  1. Expose your toenails to the fresh air for at least 10 minutes every day. Sunshine is especially good for nail health.

  2. Change your shoes and socks daily (more often if they become damp). Wear open sandals when possible, and don't wear socks at night.

  3. In public environments that may be moist, such as communal showers and changing rooms, always wear protective footwear.

  4. Make sure your pedicurist or manicurist always uses disinfected instruments. Better yet, bring your own.

  5. If you've got athlete's foot, make sure you treat this promptly as many nail fungus infections are caused by the same fungus that causes athlete's foot.

  6. Don't bite or pick at your nails as you may injure the cuticle or the skin surrounding the nail, creating an entry point for fungi.

If you do contract a nail fungus infection, the good news is that it is treatable. But the earlier you start the treatment, the easier the infection will be cured. Severe cases, particularly ones that have reached your lanula (the moon-shaped lighter area at the base of your nail) will take longer to cure completely.

Before you decide on a treatment type, consult with your doctor and check out the nail fungus treatment reviews [] at

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