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Stop Snoring: A few Useful Tips

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Just about everyone snores occasionally, however studies indicate that in some cases regular snoring can lead to health issues. If you are a snorer or a victim of your spouse's snoring, here are a few tips that can help. Remember though that each solution will have varying effects on different individuals depending on the cause and the severity of the condition.

Causes of Snoring
Before learning how to stop snoring it can help to have some awareness of the reasons that can contribute to your zzzzzing condition. Here are a few reasons why you may snore:
€ Blockage in nasal passages
€ Cold or allergy
€ Overweight

Stop Snoring Home Treatments
Avoid consuming things that worsen your condition: Alcohol consumption, smoking and eating rich food like cookies, cakes and dairy products before going to bed can all make the condition worse. Medicines like antihistamines can also worsen your snoring. It is recommended that you stay away from these foods and medicines if you want to reduce your snoring problem. If you think a particular medicines is making you snore, talk to your doctor about other solutions.

Treat your allergy: Sometimes allergies can case nasal block. Having a stuffy nose makes inhalation difficult and creates a vacuum in your throat, which in turn leads to snoring. The same is true when you have a cold.

Lose weight: Studies related to sleep and snoring suggest that losing even a little bit of weight can reduce fatty tissue in the back of the throat and decrease snoring. Exercise in general can help because while you are toning arms, legs and abs you may also be inadvertently toning muscles in the throat.

Establish regular sleep patterns: Create a regular sleep pattern and stick to it. Hitting the sack in a routine way can promote better sleep and therefore minimise the problem .

Install a humidifier in the room: Keep bedroom air moist with a humidifier. Dry air can irritate membranes in the nose and throat.
Sleep on your side: Sleeping on your back can block your nasal airways, causing you to snore during sleep. Sleeping on your side can improve airflow therefore making you less likely to snore.

If none of these help
Consult your physician if your snoring does not improve after you have tried all these tips and make sure you rule out sleep apnoea. There are also many over the counter remedies that you can try, from chins straps and mouth guards to nasal inserts and throat sprays.


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