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How to End the Lemonade Diet

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    • 1). Drink pure fruit juice and water for at least a week after the diet. Do not drink soda, coffee or sugar-based drinks.

    • 2). Eat nothing but vegetable broth for one day after ending the juice fast.

    • 3). Eat vegetable broth on the second day and introduce one or two servings of raw fruits and/or vegetables back into your diet.

    • 4). Increase your raw fruit and vegetable intake gradually over the course of five or six days. This will allow your digestive system time to adjust to the changes in your diet. You can continue to eat vegetable broth throughout this period.

    • 5). Begin to introduce other solid foods back into your diet. Make healthy choices and avoid junk food for at least a week. Also, eat slowly and listen to your body. If you begin to feel sick or full, stop eating.


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