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How Concealer Helps in Hiding Dark Circles

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Many women, as they age, consider concealer as the number remedy for pimples, blemishes, and dark circles under the eyes.
Because of the effective masking ability of concealer, it can hide these skin problems just by blending it with the surrounding skin tone.
Concealer may sometimes be mistaken for skin foundation.
They are both used to cover skin imperfections, but skin foundation serves like a base powder for the make up and it covers large portions of the skin.
On the other hand, concealer only concentrates on specific parts of the skin that require heavy cover up.
Thus, concealer also has a stronger color.
A skin foundation is applied first before a concealer.
There are different kinds of shades for concealer, each appropriate for a specific skin complexion.
So rest assured that no matter what color your skin tone is, your skin problems will be hidden with the use of a facial concealer with the right shade.
Concealer also comes in different forms depending on the level of treatment.
From light to heavy, the forms of concealer are: loose powder, pressed powder, matte mouse, pencil, liquid, cream, and paste concealer.
According to the appropriate degree of application, you can choose from among these concealer forms.
Furthermore, it has been recommended for people with dry skin to use liquid concealer over cream concealer because the latter can be cakey in texture afterward.
When applying concealer, it is best to hydrate first the face so the surface will become smooth and clean.
Concealer can hide the skin imperfection effectively when the surface is silky smooth.
Washing your face with water or putting on a water based cream can do the trick.
The skin under the eyes is a favorite spot for applying concealer.
Therefore, only use the lighter shades of concealer for this area.
Choose a light shade that matches your skin color so it will look natural when blended with your own skin tone.
On the other hand, if you want to hide more obvious skin imperfections like scars or bruises, go for the darker shades so it can offset the discoloration caused by these skin marks.
Also keep in mind that natural or organic concealers are most preferred by skin experts because of its ability to take care of the skin and the environment.
It has gentle and natural ingredients instilled with vitamins and minerals.
Unlike concealers made mostly of chemicals, natural concealers are used without the risk of having further skin damage.

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