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Dealing With Male Incontinence

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One of the most popular myths surrounding incontinence is that it is a health condition experienced only by women.
That is so not true, men can suffer from incontinence too and this is what I'm going to talk about in this article.
Another common myth that surrounds incontinence is the fact that many people think it is a health condition that only appears when we get old, but that is subject for another article.
Be it for men or women, incontinence is an uncomfortable health condition that lowers individual quality of life.
If the person experiencing it is not properly instructed he or she can fall into deep depression because in most cases, the person suffering from incontinence might feel ashamed and start to de-socialise.
If you are experiencing leakages or bladder control problems or happen to know someone that does the first thing to do is to talk to a doctor about it, more specifically an urologist.
He or she will be able to diagnose the type of incontinence and the best treatment to it.
Male incontinence is slightly different from women's due to obvious reasons, but one thing that suits both is the fact that it is common in both genres and it is nothing to be ashamed of.
There are two major types of male incontinence, urinary and faecal.
The first one can be divided in sub-categories just like for women and the latter is probably the worst type of them all as it lowers the individual quality of life to really low levels.
As afore mentioned urinary incontinence is divided into sub-categories such as: Urge, Stress, Overflow or Dip, Reflex and Mixed.
To discuss each one of them would make this article too long so I'll keep succinct and detail each one of in another article.
Now that we talked about types and management it is time to take a look at male incontinence products.
The industry has evolved and pants, pads and other protective products are less bulky than ever and can be used without worrying that people will notice.
Shopping for incontinence products has also become easier and more discreet with hundreds of websites offering complete range of products from shaped pads to disposable bed protection sheets.
The wide majority of these websites offer a discreet shopping and delivery method and others even walk the extra mile by offering a free advice service.
To sum things up it is important to notice that all advice offered by these websites can only be considered as an opinion.
For a proper diagnose always consult you GP, Practice Nurse or Continence Advisor.

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