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Should You Really Get Dental Implants?

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Dental implants are made from titanium and secured to your natural jawbone for the purpose of holding false teeth in place.
There are many reasons why you would choose to get dental implants.
There are also reasons why people choose to get partial dentures, bridges, and full dentures rather than the dental implants.
Dental implants specialist has to make an evaluation of your mouth to determine whether or not you qualify for these titanium pieces.
The dental implants specialist will take x-rays of your mouth to try and determine the amount of jaw bone you have for the implantation to be inserted in.
They also need to determine if the jawbone is healthy enough for the procedure.
The implanted titanium pieces are placed in the correct position they will need to be in to hold the tooth in place.
During the healing process the titanium and the human jawbone fuse together and become one.
This fusion creates a permanent position for the titanium piece so the tooth never moves.
The real drawback is most patients have to allow their mouth to heal, and the fusion to take place before their dentist loads their new tooth onto the implant.
This period of time could be as long as twelve weeks.
The benefits usually far outweigh the drawbacks of the time you have to wait.
When you see the dental implants specialist they will explain all of the options you have open to you.
They are not going to try and just sell you the implantation.
They will tell you whether partial plates could be made to fill in the spots where you do not have teeth, or if a bridge could be created to fill in an empty spot.
Ask the dentist what the drawbacks of each device are and what the benefits of each device will be.
Most dentists will have to tell you that partial plates and bridges are held in place by hooking a wire around one of your natural teeth and connecting that wire to the device.
Over a period of time the wire that is around your natural teeth will begin to cut the enamel away and form a crack in the tooth.
Just like a wire eventually will cut into a tree trunk that it has been wrapped around.
This could cause tooth pain and it could cause you to have to lose that tooth in the future.
Another drawback to partials and bridges is the fact that these devices move in your mouth.
Small particles of food can get between the device and your gums causing extreme pain.
You cannot eat all of the foods you once ate because the device will not remain in place so that you can bite and chew these foods.
The greatest benefit to the partial dentures and bridges is the fact that they generally cost less to get.
They also do not last as long as the titanium implants do.
You have to weigh the good against the bad to make a decision on these devices.

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