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Premature Ejaculation Exercises

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Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual dysfunction that commonly occurs among men, old and young.
It is one such condition which most of the men shy away from discussing.
However, this condition can be easily controlled if you have an insight on why and how this happens and if you follow some simple PE exercises.
So as to get rid of premature ejaculation, most men tend to rely on drugs or desensitizers.
However, using drugs or any other medications may not be of much help unless you are aware of what premature ejaculation actually is.
So it is important for both the partners involved to have a brief idea about PE and the male sexual response in order to have a satisfying sexual intercourse.
To overcome this sexual dysfunction, there are some exercises which involve breathing exercises and pelvic exercise, commonly known as the kegel exercise.
Doing these exercises daily will prove to be effective in getting rid of premature ejaculation.
1) Kegel exercise is the most popular exercise that helps you in lasting longer in bed.
This exercise stresses on the muscles that controls ejaculation.
It helps in strengthening the ejaculatory muscles through contraction.
The key to last longer in bed lies in knowing how to gain control over your stimulation and thrust, and not on strengthening muscles.
2) Breathing Exercises: This is also an important way to help you gain complete control over premature ejaculation.
It will help you relax and resume the performance with full strength by increasing your desire and ultimately leading to climax.
There are a number of other PE exercises that help in lasting longer in bed.
But not all exercises are the same.
Some exercises focus on relaxation techniques, some on breathing and mental control.
Some exercises focus on how to control the pelvic and ejaculatory muscles.
But the main goal of these exercises is to delay premature ejaculation and help you achieve climax as and when you want to.
Other premature ejaculation exercises..
Apart form the above mentioned premature ejaculation exercises, one of the most effective methods of overcoming this sexual dysfunction is masturbation (which can be considered as some sort of exercise if the need arise).
While doing so concentrate on how the pelvic area and the physical sensations that you experience.
This, in a way, will help you to understand the physiology of how you ejaculate letting you know when to hold back.
You will notice a tickling sensation, when you are nearing ejaculation.
Once you are aware of this sensation, you will get to know when to stop before this tickling sensation occurs.
Carry on with it till you are accustomed to it.
Familiarize yourself to the tickling sensation and do not stop yourself from ejaculating till you are aware of this sensation.
Once you are well aware of this sensation you can then start and stop masturbating to gain a better control over ejaculation.
Rely on this premature ejaculation exercises so as to get rid of PE

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