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Sharpening Elementary Football Routines

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Open field tactics: covering ground with angle tackles

It is a great idea to practice angle tackles with your defense because not all tackles are made with the opponent right in front of you. Set up a simple drill with two players, on as the offense with the ball running in a straight line, the other as the defender running towards him at some angle. It is great to take this in slow steps to show the defender in a fluid motion how to the quickest angle to take towards the ball carrier, plant his cleats squarely in the middle of the ball carrier, and to always remember safety and effectiveness by placing the head in front of the offensive player. A good tackle is now executed as the defender lunges at the opponent wrapping his arms around his opponent grabbing cloth and completing the tackle by pulling him down or pushing him off sides.

Ball security: The Gauntlet Drill

Ball security, preventing fumbles and turnovers is perhaps the most important skill the offensive team can have. This is especially true for a running back or wide receiver as they will carry the ball more often than others on the field, but it is a good idea for all positions to practice a little ball security. One drill that has been used several times to improve ball security is called the gauntlet drill. The drill starts with a player protecting the ball as best as he can while running through several opponents. The opponents can line up in any scenario, the most common being two lines and the ball carrier must run through them. Make sure to take the drill slow at first, and to also have the ball carrier hold the ball in several differing positions.

Some benefits to Weightlifting

No practice regime would be complete without lifting weights. Not only will it add muscle to your body and increase your strength, it will also help you to increase your maximum power. Maximum power is different from strength because it is the power that you exert on the field during a play. It is the quickness and exertion that will enable a football player to accomplish their plays with skill on the field. Weight lifting can cause injuries, and as such we highly recommend having a professional coach on hand during weightlifting sessions. You trainer will also help you accomplish your weightlifting goals and teach you new techniques.

Conditioning Drill: Up Downs

Out of all of the football conditioning drills up downs is one of the most popular. Players will start this drill by running in place as fast as they can, keeping their knees high as possible. From time to time the coach will signal to the players, by whistle or a command, to get down meaning that they drop down do a push up and get back up as quickly as possible to run again. This drill is an excellent workout and should be worked in slowly at first and then increased in intensity and length over time.

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