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Whiten Teeth - 5 Tips to a Beautiful Smile

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Teeth whitening can be a costly and tedious task to undertake.
Most treatment options involve setting aside several hours of your day, or even having to go to the dentist office several times per week.
But, there are less effective, more practical ways of whitening your teeth.
I'll outline them in this article.
Schedule Regular Visits with your Dentist
This is a pretty obvious teeth whitening tip.
If you have regular cleanings done by your dental hygienist you're going to generally have a whiter smile.
Teeth yellowing is caused by the things you eat, drink, and smoke; things that can mostly be cleaned away just by scheduling an appointment with your dentist.
Cleaning Twice a Day Keeps the Dentist Away
Yes, I know, this is pretty obvious.
Unfortunately, a lot of people overlook how easy maintaining white teeth can actually be.
You should be brushing and flossing twice per day.
Brushing and flossing prevents the buildup of plaque in your mouth, which in turn prevents yellow stains on your teeth.
Buy Bottled Water without Fluoride
Uh, What? Isn't fluoride the chemical that helps protect my teeth? Yes, fluoride does help protect your teeth from getting cavities, but it also takes away from the whiteness of your teeth at the same time.
Besides, there's already enough fluoride in your toothpaste to help protect your teeth from cavities, so there's no point drinking fluoride water too.
Brush your Teeth With Baking Soda
Nope, it's not an urban legend.
Brushing with baking soda will help remove deep rooted stains from your teeth.
Gargle with Water after each meal
Gargling with water after each meal helps remove food particles from your teeth that can potentially lead to yellow stains.
As previously stated though, you'll want to use bottled water that doesn't contain fluoride.
You can use very little water to get rid of most of the extra food particles caught in between your teeth.

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