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Body Opponent Freestanding Heavy Bag - Punish It!

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If you or someone you know is looking for a realistic punching bag that is great for training and exercise then look no further than the Century Body Opponent Free standing Heavy Bag. It makes a great choice for just about any type of training and it fits right at home in the gym, your living room or the apartment.
You might be saying to yourself, this will take up too much space, but it will not. You can simply tilt it on its side and roll in right into the closet or the corner where it will stare at you and taunt you. Go head walk over to it and give a punch or two right in its realistic head. It will not mind. After all that is what it is made for.
The best feature of this heavy bag would have to be the realistic torso and head. Sure there is absolutely nothing wrong with the standard punching bag but one that has these great realistic features allows you to really focus your punches on any certain area. Suppose you need some work on our uppercut. You can always work on it in the air on on a normal punching bags but with this one you can really focus on delivering that uppercut right where it is supposed to go, on the chin. Your efforts will be rewarded with more accurate punches and stronger punches that will leave your opponent laying flat on the mat.
Some other great features are the adjustable height. This allows many different configurations for many different users. The super high density foam center and urethane outer body just add to the realism.
The base can be filled with sand or water, making it easy to balance and distribute the power of your punches or kicks. If you are looking for a nice workout that will not only work your upper body but also help to refine your skills, then this is the bag for you.
Get your own Standing Heavy Bag
For more info - Check out Punching Bags

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