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Best Self Tanner - 3 Reasons to Use Self Tanning Lotions

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Some say that nothing can make you look good and feel great like a nice, well-rounded tan. Millions of people are on the constant chase for that deep, dark bronze look year after year, turning tanning alone into a billion dollar industry.

For those who can't tan traditionally or in a tanning bed (or want to avoid any potential skin damage), "self tan" products have become the new hype, allowing people to get beautifully tan skin without any exposure to UV rays. It's a great way to get tan skin without consuming all of your time; however, if you want to get the best tan with these products, finding the best self tanner is critical. Lucky for you, you're about to discover how to find the best self tanner for you and your skin, as well as 3 reasons why you should use self tanning lotions to begin with!

How to Find the Best Self Tanner

In order to get the highest quality tan self tan, you need to know the traits that make up the best self tanner. With that said, here are a couple key elements you need to be on the lookout for:

1) A lot of self tanning lotions can leave streaks, which can make your skin look like a giant mess. Finding a lotion or cream that is guaranteed to be streak-free is one of the most crucial ingredients in the best self tanner.

2) Never use a lotion or cream that has no color or has a white base. Only use those that have a color guide, which will help you see where you applied the lotion. This way, you can avoid putting too much in one area, resulting in a nice, clean looking tan all around.

3) Consider the price. The best self tanner that you can buy will have a good mix of both quality ingredients and a solid price. One thing to remember - sometimes the more expensive it is doesn't always mean that it's the best.

Best Self Tanner - 3 Reasons Why You Should Use It

Now that you're aware of all of the qualities and traits you should look for when determining the best self tanner for you and your skin, you're about to learn now why you should use self tanning lotions. Even if you are willing and able to jump in a tanning bed, you should still consider self tanning lotions as an alternative when you need a quick tan in a short amount of time.

With that said, take a look below at why you should use self tanning lotions:

1) Let's be honest - while tanning is fun and relaxing, excessive exposure to UV rays can cause extensive skin damage over the years. Studies have shown that the more UV rays you soak up, the higher your risk for melanoma and skin cancer. By getting your hands on the best self tanner and using it properly, you can get the color you want without having to worry about damaging your skin.

2) Are you short on time and in need of a quick tan? Tanning the traditional way takes far too long, whereas self tanning lotions can help you achieve a rich and dark tan in minutes. The best self tanner can be perfect when you're in need of a quick fix.

3) Finding the best self tanner for you can save you money. That's right - using self tanning lotions allows you to save serious cash. You won't spend boatloads of cash at the tanning salon or on expensive tanning lotions, making it perfect for people who want to save a couple bucks.

Of course, using self tanning lotions does have one drawback (which could be both good and bad, depending on how you look at it) - it's temporary and doesn't last very long; however, if you ensure you have the best self tanner on the market, you can expect it to last at least a week solid.

Get the Best Self Tanner Today

Now that you know what to look for (as well as understand the benefits of self tanning lotions), why not get out there and pick up the best self tanner today? Trust me - you won't regret it!

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