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Putting Up With Recurring Vaginosis? Simple BV Cures For Quick and Permanent Relief

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Bacterial infections unless handled correctly tend to become a recurring problem.
Since some of the symptoms of vaginosis like vaginal odor are often a cause of embarrassment, women choose to go in for quick fix methods to treat the condition.
These methods do nothing to eliminate the root cause of the infection.
They merely mask the symptoms temporarily.
What you need while suffering from bv is permanent cure which is easy to implement.
Bacterial vaginosis natural cures are one such option that provides permanent relief at much lower cost compared to conventional medicines.
In this article I am going to detail 2 effective bacterial vaginosis natural cures which you can try out from the comfort of your home.
1 Hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide is naturally present in the vagina.
However when the level of good bacteria depletes in the vagina the level of hydrogen peroxide also goes down.
To make up for this loss, make use of hydrogen peroxide solution available in health food stores.
Dilute the solution by mixing it with water and use for washing your vagina twice a day.
This solution is especially useful to kill the bad bacteria responsible for the vaginal infection.
2 Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus acidophilus is also very useful to enhance the levels of good bacteria in the vagina.
Alternatively you can try out other pro-biotic based BV cures which can replenish the good bacteria in the vagina.
In addition to these simple bacterial vaginosis natural cures ensure that you maintain good vaginal hygiene and have a well balanced diet.
Keep the vagina clean by washing with plain water 2-3 times a day.
Dry your vagina completely and wear panties made of cotton which will absorb well.
Ensure to use condoms during intercourse and avoid consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.

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