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A Pepper Spray Easy To Carry Anywhere

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Nowadays, a lot of people are very aware of the threat of being abused or even violated most often verbally by the use of blunted words by people not acquainted to them or in Layman's term, strangers.
These kinds of people often have no regard of whether they hurt others through the words they say because they often get away with it no matter how insulting it may be.
Women are often the primary victims of vulgar treatment or insults which can be so degrading.
Being prepared is the greatest defense against such treatment especially to women who are very emotional when it comes to insults directed at them.
Carrying a pepper spray would be a good idea to have for self-protection against abusers known or unknown especially strangers all around.
A pepper spray is a chemical compound agent that irritates the eyes when sprayed upon which can cause tears, eye pain, and if it is too much, can lead to blindness.
It is often used by security personnel to control crowds, riots, and even as a mean of protection against dangerous people and wild animals such as dogs or others in nature wherever it may be.
The blindness caused by this agent is only temporary to keep order and to detain those violent enough to be a potential threat to the public.
Though it may be somewhat of a less fatal means of controlling violence, but when used too much, it can be deadly because the chemical compounds are not suitable to the body in greater amounts which can lead to unwanted reactions in rare cases.
There are many types of pepper spray but the most convenient for all would be the Fox Personal pocket Unit.
This type of pepper spray is easy to handle and allows the user to carry it wherever he or she may be, making it accessible anytime you need.
In instances when you need it badly at a time when you are abused by a stranger or a criminal snatched your bag, you can just reach in your pocket, grab the pepper spray, and spray it all over his or her face.
That's how convenient it really is, in your pocket when the time comes that you need it, it is there, ready, locked and loaded.
Remember always to be one step ahead in order to avoid any unfortunate encounter with danger that will compromise your safety and most crucially, your life.
Be prepared, carry with you, and put your pepper spray in your pocket always.
Never hesitate to use it as long as you feel you are threatened and your safety is compromised.
Use the pepper spray at your own discretion but at a degree to what you believe is the right thing.
Never use too much, only enough to neutralize his or her actions for authorities to detain him further away from you and others that he poses a threat to.
Only a small investment is made in purchasing the pepper spray compared to the huge risk if your safety is in jeopardy.

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