How to Get Used to Dentures
1Ask your dentist for specific details about wearing dentures. Find out how long he or she prefers you to wait after your tooth is removed before the denture is placed. Some dentists believe that very little waiting time is necessary, while others prefer you wait until the gums are fully healed before getting a final fitting. Don't worry about being without teeth for awhile -- it will not cause any serious harm.
When the dentist first inserts the dentures it will feel very awkward. You may feel like your mouth is very full and you'll have the impulse to take them out. Don't worry, you will get used to the feel of having them in your mouth. Leave them in as long as you can. Try to do other things to take your mind off of the dentures.
Eating with these new teeth may be a frustrating experience at first. Continue to try to eat soft foods while you get used to them. Take very small bites and relearn the chewing process to fit your new teeth. You'll find that your tongue will be busier than ever, helping you move the food around in your mouth. Eat as much as you can with the teeth in. If you get very frustrated, excuse yourself and go remove the teeth and then return and finished the meal. Try to keep them in longer at the next meal, and you'll soon find you've made it through the entire dinner.
Use a denture glue to help you hold them in if you have to. Some denture wearers never have to use anything to secure the teeth, while others have to use the glue daily. Loose dentures are even harder to get used to, so you want them to feel tight and secure. Experiment with several kinds of denture adhesive until you find the one you like. Just use a tiny bit at first to see how much works for you.
Ask your dentist what he/she recommends as a time out or resting period for your mouth. Some dentists advise their patients to remove the dentures nightly to let the mouth rest. Others say it is okay to wear them all of the time. If you take yours out to sleep, get used to the routine of brushing them and putting them back in the first thing every morning. Always keep them in a covered container filled with water when you are not wearing them.
Don't worry about any friends that may have dentures and admonish you for having trouble with yours. Every denture wearer handles them differently. You have to form habits that work for you. Just because a friend has been able to chomp through a steak from day one doesn't mean that you'll be able to. You'll eventually learn your own little tricks and habits to be able to enjoy eating again -- and do it without any toothaches.