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A Brief Glance Into The Negative Impact Of Obesity

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For the one who is too heavy, there are very many serious dangers to health and total well being. The health costs of obesity in 2010 for the US is massive and is above 100 billion dollars per annum. What appears to be contradictory is the billions which are also spent on weight reduction products on a yearly basis. So there appears to be a battle that is being waged for our well being. What is also very well known are the many unhealthy foods and beverages so many people consume. There is undoubtedly no secret that so many foods consist of high sugar and fat content. We will talk about some of the negative consequences to health caused by being obese.

Type 2 diabetes due to obesity continues to be increasing at an alarming rate in recent years. More younger individuals in their teen years are obese, and doctors are seeing an upward spiral with type 2 diabetes. Obesity may cause insulin resistance which is significant and a precursor to higher levels of blood sugar. There is little doubt that years of consuming high sugar content foods and drinks plays a significant role. Many institutions and people have tried to make the population aware of high fructose corn syrup in a great many drinks. This substance is a lot like very strong sugar and can send glucose levels soaring.

Common issues concerning joints are known to take place in very obese people. The principal areas are the weight bearing joints like hips, knees and ankles. Whenever the joints undergo so much wear and tear, they will develop other severe issues such as arthritis. Patients with overwhelming weight problems don't always make for the best candidates for artificial joints. While millions of people receive joint replacements, there is a higher chance for success with usual weight conditions. Naturally only a doctor will make the final decision for those with substantial weight problems. If a joint is changed, what can typically occur are further side effects after the surgery. The joint that was replaced may begin to be mechanically unsound which is highly undesirable.

There is greater risk for getting blood pressure problems when a person is obese. As with many other of our bodily functions, excess fat puts a severe strain on the body. The reason for this as it pertains to the heart is the extra fat tissue still necessitates blood for nutrition and oxygen. It all leads back to the heart clearly because that is what moves the bloodstream. The basic net effect is to create a condition of higher blood pressure. There can also be an increase in the heart rate as it functions in reply to all that need.

The problem of being overweight is an all round highly adverse impact on all the body's organs. But our conversation here today is only the tip of the iceberg with regards to all that is possible.

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