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Exercise - The Not So Well Known Benefits

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We all know the benefits of exercise: weight loss, a leaner body, an increase in energy and improved health.
But there are other not so well known benefits of exercise.
A review of some recent studies found these amazing and little known benefits of exercise.
A 2006 study showed that exercise may protect against colds.
Post menopausal, overweight women who engaged in moderate exercise had fewer colds than did the control group.
The control group had a three fold higher incidence of colds.
A 2007 study showed that exercise stimulates the formation of brain cells.
Exercise stimulated the formation of brain cells in the section of the brain that has to do with both memory and learning.
And another study showed that older people who exercised, even lightly had a 30 percent lower risk of developing Alzheimer's.
Study participants were over the age of 65 and followed for nine years.
Exercise was compared to antidepressant drugs to evaluate the effect on depression.
The study showed that exercise works better than antidepressants to lift your mood.
In another 2007 study exercise and moderate amounts of caffeine helped to prevent skin cancer.
This duo killed off the precancerous cells.
The caffeine and exercise group of mice showed a 400 percent increase in the formation of UVB-induced apoptotic cells.
The caffeine group showed a 95 percent increase.
The exercisers showed a 120 percent increase.
Clearly the combination of the two was superior.
Another 2007 study compared the efficacy of three programs to reduce falls and increase the quality of life for the elderly.
All three programs improved the quality of life for participants.
However, improvements were much greater in the exercise group.
The participants also reduced their fear of falling.
Regular exercise reduces the risk of developing colon cancer.
And regular exercise helped stage III advanced colon cancer patients reduce their risk of the cancer returning and increased their odds of survival.
The odds of survival were increased by as much as 50 percent.
The health benefits of exercise keep on growing.
From new brain cell formation to prevention of colon and skin cancers exercise is almost a magic bullet.
So lift your mood, prevent colds, and reduce your risk of Alzheimer's with a little exercise.
These little known benefits of exercise and of course the well known benefits should compel you to start an exercise routine.
There is so much to gain and little to lose.

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