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What Cosmetic Treatments Are Available to You at a Private Dentist in MANCHESTER?

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If you were to stop a regular person in the street and ask them what cosmetic treatments were available at their Private Dentist in MANCHESTER the most common answer would be teeth whitening. If you were to ask them what option they would have if they suffered tooth loss, sadly most would reply with the answer dentures. In spite of huge advancements over the last few years so many people are still unaware of what is available to them. Here we take a look at just some of the procedures that many Manchester DENTISTS, such as Elite Khan Dental, offer.

Dental veneers

Dental veneers are a thin tough layer of porcelain that covers the tooth giving you the ultimate Hollywood smile with a relatively non-invasive procedure. Great for chipped and fractured teeth, stained and discoloured teeth as well as crooked, misaligned or eroded teeth. All of these dental issues can be overcome with the help of porcelain veneers, a strong and permanent solution. Quality dental veneers such as those offered at Elite Khan dental can help alter the shape, size and colour in as little as two visits. Not only will they look natural but the porcelain used will help them feel natural too.

Cfast Braces

When people think of braces they often think of the hideous and garish €train track' braces that stay with you for well over a year helping you to look anything but attractive when on a date or out with friends. At Elite Khan Dental, a private DENTIST in Manchester, they offer a much more adult friendly brace known as Cfast. Working on only the top and bottom six teeth, also known as the social six, they can address gaps and crowded or crooked teeth achieving amazing results in just four to six months. Using clear brackets and tooth coloured wire, the Cfast brace is also incredibly discreet and barely visible which makes it perfect for image conscious adults too.

Dental implants

For those suffering from tooth loss, dental implants are an advanced and effective treatment. It replaces not only the tooth but also the root itself. In order to create a new tooth root, a small titanium rod is placed into the jawbone which is then allowed time to fuse together. This creates an extremely strong new €root' for your new false tooth to be placed onto. Taken care of correctly as you would your regular teeth, dental implants can provide a long-term solution and in some cases last over fifteen years. Unlike dentures they don't affect speech and give you the ability to chew whatever food you desire.

If you'd like to find out more about the many other treatments available to you at Elite Khan Dental, a PRIVATE DENTIST in Manchester then book a free consultation where they'll be happy to explain their facilities as well as their monthly dental and finance plans.

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