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Stay Fit Over the Holiday Season - Easily Lose Up to 15 Pounds During the Holidays

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If your goal is to stay fit over the holiday season and even lose weight while everyone else is gaining then you are in luck because this article will share how you can easily shed weight and stay fit without missing out on any of the festivities.
If you can spare just 2 minutes right now to read this article you will discover how to get a jump start on everyone else this season.
Stay Fit Over The Holiday Season 1.
Reduce your time and increase your fat burning during your workouts.
Intensity trumps time when it comes to exercise efficiency and by using HIIT workouts instead of slow steady pace workouts you can double or even triple your fat burning in half the time.
HIIT stands for high intensity interval training and to do this yourself simply warm up at a comfortable pace for 3 to 5 minutes then steadily ramp up your intensity one minute at a time until you are working out at your peak effort level.
Stay there for one minute and then back down and repeat, in 20 minutes you will be done working out yet your body will continue to burn fat faster all day long.
Protect your muscle mass with resistance training.
Add 20 minutes of resistance training a week to the above workout and you will preserve your muscle mass and since every pound of muscle takes about 50 calories to maintain you will be able to eat more and not gain weight.
Use your favorite foods to boost your metabolism.
Do not think for a second you must deprive yourself during the holidays.
Look, if you stay strict on a low calorie diet for too long your metabolism will grind to a halt and you will not be able to burn fat.
So you are missing out on all your favorite foods and your body is not losing weight.
Change this by outsmarting your diet.
To get your metabolism recharged you must learn how to plan cheat days.
This convinces your body that all is well and it takes the brakes off your metabolism.
Simply stick to your low calorie diet for 6 days and then have your holiday meal with all the fixings and deserts.
This brings your fat burning metabolism up to normal and by the end of your next 6 day diet cycle your weight is significantly down.
You can stay fit over the holiday season when you learn how to work with your diet and exercise and if you would like to learn exactly how to use these tools follow the links below.

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