Methods to Quit Smoking - The Right Methods For You
There are several methods to quit smoking.
If you're ready, you can choose any one of them (or a combination of them) to help you quit.
Of course, though, first you have to be ready.
Are you? Assuming you're ready to quit smoking, let's look at the various methods available to help you do just that.
First among these is to quit cold turkey.
This is, of course, the oldest method and one that predates any of the new products on the market that can help you quit.
Nonetheless, it still may be the best way for you to quit smoking if you truly have an aversion to it and are ready.
Most people choose a way that's a bit gentler these days.
(That's not to say the you should, only that you can have help with quitting that will make it easier for you.
) Among the most popular method to help you quit is to use nicotine replacement products.
Nicotine replacement products such as patches or gum can help ease your cigarette cravings enough that you're not tempted to pick up a cigarette once you put them down.
They don't take your craving away; instead, they ease it enough that you can get through that particular moment without giving in.
The nicotine patch is affixed to the skin by adhesive, usually in the morning after you are freshly showered.
No oils or lotions should be on the skin and it should be very clean under the patch.
These patches release a small amount of nicotine into your bloodstream through your skin throughout the day, so that cravings are kept at a minimal level.
Because they reduce your cravings, you have a much better chance of succeeding in your efforts to become a non-smoker.
Nicotine gum works similarly to the nicotine patches, in that when you chew the gum, a small amount of nicotine is released into your system.
It's not continuous as the nicotine patch is, but it does provide you a nicotine "hit" so that cravings are reduced.
In addition, it provides a certain amount of oral satisfaction so that if you are someone who needs to smoke not just for the physical craving of the nicotine but for the psychological pleasure of lighting up and puffing away, the gum may help you take care of both arms of the addiction, both psychological and physical.
In addition to the nicotine replacement products, it's also a good idea to get some type of support system in place so that you have someone to turn to when the cravings get particularly rough.
There are several ways to do this.
One is to talk with a trained therapist who specializes in smoking addiction, but you can also simply buddy up with a friend who is either an ex smoker and knows what you're going through or who is going through it themselves.
You can give each other moral support as you work through your addiction.
Be careful, though.
If one of you slips off the wagon, it can mean that both of you may.
You can also choose to join a support group for smokers that's local to you.
Alternatively, with the advent of the Internet, there's also a good way to join a support group without ever leaving your house.
Many forums online are geared to those who want to quit.
They're usually free to join and members are both ex-smokers who have gone through the process and know what you can expect and what you're going through, and to those who are going to the process with you.
Either way, these give you the psychological support you need when the cravings get particularly tough.
As you can see, there are many successful methods to quit smoking.
It's up to you to choose one (or more than one) so that you can be on your way to becoming a healthier and happier ex-smoker.
If you're ready, you can choose any one of them (or a combination of them) to help you quit.
Of course, though, first you have to be ready.
Are you? Assuming you're ready to quit smoking, let's look at the various methods available to help you do just that.
First among these is to quit cold turkey.
This is, of course, the oldest method and one that predates any of the new products on the market that can help you quit.
Nonetheless, it still may be the best way for you to quit smoking if you truly have an aversion to it and are ready.
Most people choose a way that's a bit gentler these days.
(That's not to say the you should, only that you can have help with quitting that will make it easier for you.
) Among the most popular method to help you quit is to use nicotine replacement products.
Nicotine replacement products such as patches or gum can help ease your cigarette cravings enough that you're not tempted to pick up a cigarette once you put them down.
They don't take your craving away; instead, they ease it enough that you can get through that particular moment without giving in.
The nicotine patch is affixed to the skin by adhesive, usually in the morning after you are freshly showered.
No oils or lotions should be on the skin and it should be very clean under the patch.
These patches release a small amount of nicotine into your bloodstream through your skin throughout the day, so that cravings are kept at a minimal level.
Because they reduce your cravings, you have a much better chance of succeeding in your efforts to become a non-smoker.
Nicotine gum works similarly to the nicotine patches, in that when you chew the gum, a small amount of nicotine is released into your system.
It's not continuous as the nicotine patch is, but it does provide you a nicotine "hit" so that cravings are reduced.
In addition, it provides a certain amount of oral satisfaction so that if you are someone who needs to smoke not just for the physical craving of the nicotine but for the psychological pleasure of lighting up and puffing away, the gum may help you take care of both arms of the addiction, both psychological and physical.
In addition to the nicotine replacement products, it's also a good idea to get some type of support system in place so that you have someone to turn to when the cravings get particularly rough.
There are several ways to do this.
One is to talk with a trained therapist who specializes in smoking addiction, but you can also simply buddy up with a friend who is either an ex smoker and knows what you're going through or who is going through it themselves.
You can give each other moral support as you work through your addiction.
Be careful, though.
If one of you slips off the wagon, it can mean that both of you may.
You can also choose to join a support group for smokers that's local to you.
Alternatively, with the advent of the Internet, there's also a good way to join a support group without ever leaving your house.
Many forums online are geared to those who want to quit.
They're usually free to join and members are both ex-smokers who have gone through the process and know what you can expect and what you're going through, and to those who are going to the process with you.
Either way, these give you the psychological support you need when the cravings get particularly tough.
As you can see, there are many successful methods to quit smoking.
It's up to you to choose one (or more than one) so that you can be on your way to becoming a healthier and happier ex-smoker.