Lyme Disease Detox
Part of the "domino effect" with an infection by a pathogen is that they will tend to make the host's body environment more and more hospitable for them as part of the infection process and less and less so for the host (you). Therefore, it is found that many pathogenic microorganisms emit toxins (called "exotoxins") that have a negative and damaging effect on cells, tissues and various systems in the host body and can even induce disease on their own.
Additionally, some of these microorganisms will also release damaging toxins when they are killed (lysed) which are called "endotoxins". The Lyme endotoxins. It has been found its toxins are particularly neurotoxic (affecting the nervous system) as well as to joints, muscles, organs, etc. Therefore a large measure of the debilitating aspect of those suffering from Lyme infection is the effect of the constant toxic release by the bacteria. It is like having a picc-line with a constant feed of these toxins into the host.
As we will see later in the toxin released by the Bb is very neuro-toxic, it also inhibits the immune and causes inflammation, which is much of the body pains experienced, but also has an enzyme that inhibits the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, which contributes to the cognitive issues, "brain fog", etc.
Moreover, much of the degree of discomfort felt during a "Herxheimer reaction", also called "die-off effect", is the endotoxins expelled when the bacterium is killed by an effective agent and/or immune cells.
In other words, when an effective protocol is used to begin to kill the offending microbes, part of their survival pattern is to expel more toxins as they die, apparently to try and support those left behind. To the host (you), the toxins can be too much for an insufficient liver and kidneys to handle effectively and the material backs up in the blood and creates the feeling of being ill and uncomfortable.
There is whole myriad of phenomena that can be seen then from nausea, to malaise, to headaches, to diarrhea, to exhaustion, to pronounced body odor, to emotional feelings like panic, anxiety, anger, despair, grief, to flaring of symptoms in general. Another characteristic of the pathogenic toxification is that it also impacts the hosts eliminative channels and functions. It makes sense in terms of an Borrelia b. is particularly known for its release of exo- andCharacteristics of the Lyme Borrellia Bacteria, the insidious survival evolution on the part of the microorganism, for deficient elimination means the host will be further "backed up" or "loaded" with toxic material, which in turn effects the immune efficiency, and ‘round it goes..
Consequently, much of the common problems seen with Lyme-sufferers - affected adrenals, thyroid and other glands, hormonal balance and endocrine system in general, digestive tract, eliminative channels (liver, kidneys, etc.), lymph system, nervous system, cognitive functions, heart and circulatory system (including blood thickened by formation of fibrin), inflammation, etc., etc. –are exacerbated by the toxic material.
In a snowballing effect, with impaired elimination the body "backs up" with the toxic load mounting and creating that much more of a hospitable environment for them. One where there is increasing acidity (lower pH), lowered oxygen, lowered circulation, impaired functions, impaired ability to rest and rejuvenate, impaired immune function and increasingly impaired vitality overall.
While the toxin-releasing characteristic of the bacteria's survival actions cannot be prevented, knowing the mechanics and characteristic of it allows being able to act to mitigate the effect. It has been seen repeatedly in the extensive field applications of the Protocol that where measures taken to assist the body in detoxifying on an ongoing basis there has been less Herx-related discomfort, greater ease in applying the Protocol in general, boost to the body's infection-fighting and healing systems and greater gains in a shorter period of time.
What greatly helps with this is to help the body usher toxic material out. Eating well and drinking lots of pure water is a significant ongoing part of this.
Key aids for this include:
Go here to view the article on my website or simply learn more about lyme disease
Additionally, some of these microorganisms will also release damaging toxins when they are killed (lysed) which are called "endotoxins". The Lyme endotoxins. It has been found its toxins are particularly neurotoxic (affecting the nervous system) as well as to joints, muscles, organs, etc. Therefore a large measure of the debilitating aspect of those suffering from Lyme infection is the effect of the constant toxic release by the bacteria. It is like having a picc-line with a constant feed of these toxins into the host.
As we will see later in the toxin released by the Bb is very neuro-toxic, it also inhibits the immune and causes inflammation, which is much of the body pains experienced, but also has an enzyme that inhibits the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, which contributes to the cognitive issues, "brain fog", etc.
Moreover, much of the degree of discomfort felt during a "Herxheimer reaction", also called "die-off effect", is the endotoxins expelled when the bacterium is killed by an effective agent and/or immune cells.
In other words, when an effective protocol is used to begin to kill the offending microbes, part of their survival pattern is to expel more toxins as they die, apparently to try and support those left behind. To the host (you), the toxins can be too much for an insufficient liver and kidneys to handle effectively and the material backs up in the blood and creates the feeling of being ill and uncomfortable.
There is whole myriad of phenomena that can be seen then from nausea, to malaise, to headaches, to diarrhea, to exhaustion, to pronounced body odor, to emotional feelings like panic, anxiety, anger, despair, grief, to flaring of symptoms in general. Another characteristic of the pathogenic toxification is that it also impacts the hosts eliminative channels and functions. It makes sense in terms of an Borrelia b. is particularly known for its release of exo- andCharacteristics of the Lyme Borrellia Bacteria, the insidious survival evolution on the part of the microorganism, for deficient elimination means the host will be further "backed up" or "loaded" with toxic material, which in turn effects the immune efficiency, and ‘round it goes..
Consequently, much of the common problems seen with Lyme-sufferers - affected adrenals, thyroid and other glands, hormonal balance and endocrine system in general, digestive tract, eliminative channels (liver, kidneys, etc.), lymph system, nervous system, cognitive functions, heart and circulatory system (including blood thickened by formation of fibrin), inflammation, etc., etc. –are exacerbated by the toxic material.
In a snowballing effect, with impaired elimination the body "backs up" with the toxic load mounting and creating that much more of a hospitable environment for them. One where there is increasing acidity (lower pH), lowered oxygen, lowered circulation, impaired functions, impaired ability to rest and rejuvenate, impaired immune function and increasingly impaired vitality overall.
While the toxin-releasing characteristic of the bacteria's survival actions cannot be prevented, knowing the mechanics and characteristic of it allows being able to act to mitigate the effect. It has been seen repeatedly in the extensive field applications of the Protocol that where measures taken to assist the body in detoxifying on an ongoing basis there has been less Herx-related discomfort, greater ease in applying the Protocol in general, boost to the body's infection-fighting and healing systems and greater gains in a shorter period of time.
What greatly helps with this is to help the body usher toxic material out. Eating well and drinking lots of pure water is a significant ongoing part of this.
Key aids for this include:
- Barley greens (detoxifies, alkalizes, clears and builds blood, heals the liver, boosts the body and the immune)
- Fulvic Acid (changes toxic material and metals to processible forms, boosts the entire body and immune)
- Diatomaceous Earth (detoxifies toxins, chemicals, metals, provides minerals and natural silica, kills parasites and cleans intestinal tract)
- French Green Clay (detoxifies toxins, chemicals, metals even radiation and provides minerals)
- Activated Charcoal (adsorbs many times its weight in toxins, chemicals, metals and poisons)
- Miracle II Neutralizer & Soap (detoxifies/neutralizes toxins, chemicals, metals, cleanses the body, improves cellular function, alkalizes, oxygenates and thus provides antimicrobial/antifungal effects.)
- Extreme Liver Support (helps the liver and body to detoxify toxins out of the body)
- Probiotics/Enzymes (improves digestive tract and liver, breaks down foreign materials and toxins)
- Baths/saunas (raising body temperature particularly to perspiring)
Go here to view the article on my website or simply learn more about lyme disease