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Some Catfishing Tips

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In the last couple of years catfishing has taken off amazingly in the Spain, where everyone seems to want to go to try it out. I believe that Spain and the river Ebro is one of the most amazing places in Europe to go catfishing, and many people will agree with me.

With more and more people finding out about it I’m sure it won’t be long until most catfishing people go out there and try it. Most fisherman that are looking to go catfishing are going to be wanting to tackle something bigger and better every day, that is why most people come over to the Ebro where the catfish are not just big, but amazingly big. Catches weighing in the hundreds of pounds are being caught everyday in different kinds of weather. The mighty wels catfish is the fish that many people come here to catch.

The wells catfish is long and looks kind of like a eel but with a large head, it also has a very large mouth as well for getting its prey with hundreds of teeth. The wells catfish usually has very dark eyes with shades of dark green running along its body. Its sides are creamy and make the catfish look like it has a gradient colour across its sides, they also can weigh over 200lbs meaning that they are amazingly big.

Now you know what a wells catfish looks like you are going to want to start your catfishing experience. First things first you are going to want to know what you need to lure these amazing catfish to you, basically the best method that I know of is to find where they will be hiding out, for example in the weed beds and deep holes in the river. Now for bait one of the best things you can use is live bait, this is good because the wells catfish will snatch up the food like it does all the time. Another bait that is regularly used to catch the wells catfish is Halibut pellets which are snapped up by these amazing fish a lot of the time.

If you can’t find any catfish then it is about time you took your catfishing equipment and head on over to the darker places in the river where all the lilies and overhanging trees are. These are the kind of areas that the catfish like to hide out in until they want to feed. Placing your baits and fishing in these areas in the early morning or late evening can result in a lot of big catches. You will want to come back catfishing every day especially down at the lovely Ebro where the fishing for these catfish takes place every.

If you follow some of the tips above then you will find that you can fish out a fair few catfish every session you do, the river Ebro is not short of catfish at all so this means that your catfishing experience is always going to be electric.

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