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How to Wash Infant Clothes

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    • 1). Check the label for cleaning instructions for specific types of clothing.

    • 2). Wash infant clothes in a dye-free, scent-free, extra-gentle detergent, available at retail stores, to avoid the risk of skin allergies or irritation. Gradually wash the infant’s clothes with the detergent used by the family to determine if it is necessary to purchase special detergent and to wash the infant’s clothes separately.

    • 3). Wash new infant clothes before wearing to remove excess dyes and any dirt or contamination picked up during shipping, stocking and handling by employees and customers.

    • 4). Purchase enough clothes for your infant so that she can be changed several times daily as necessary and still have enough clothes for the next day. Another option is to buy fewer clothes, especially since the infant grows out of them so quickly, and to wash them more often.

    • 5). Pre-treat stains such as formula, baby food or diaper accidents by placing the clothing flat on a work surface with a wet cloth under the stain. Pour an enzyme liquid detergent over the stain and allow the clothes to sit overnight. Wash the clothes in an enzyme liquid detergent.

    • 6). Treat stubborn stains by applying a paste made of an enzyme powdered detergent and water and allow it to set for two to three days. Wash in a liquid enzyme detergent.


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