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Build Upper Body Muscle - Do You Know the "Real" Top 5 Benefits of Building Upper Body Mus

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There are two obvious reasons for you to build upper body muscle. One is to improve your health and the other is to improve your strength. But beyond those two benefits, there are 5 more that come with the act of adding muscle to your body. And truthfully, those are the real 5 benefits you want when you decide to build upper body muscle.

These are the 5 factors you'll experience when you start building upper body muscle:
  1. Buddy Respect - Your friends look at you with envy and want to know how they can build their upper body.
  2. Attention - Girls like big arms and muscles.  They want a guy who takes care of his body.
  3. Fear Factor - A muscular frame can appear to be very intimidating
  4. Confidence - You can take your shirt off in public without giving it a second thought. Plus achieving your goal to build upper body muscle gives you the courage to pursue and achieve other goals.
  5. Better Sex Drive - No explanation needed. ;-)

Consider for yourself these questions. Have you ever had a time when you looked at your buddies and were envious of the muscle they had or the girls they were with because of that muscled look? And have you ever felt your self esteem lowered just a tad bit when you stood next to your buddy with that chiseled muscular frame? Have you ever looked at a guy and felt just a little intimidated because even at 5'8" he was 200lbs of rock solid steel? Okay maybe not real steel but with all the muscle he had it sure looked like it. Does your sex life take a beating because of your stamina, look, or self confidence?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then when you really think about it, aren't the 5 benefits listed above really what you want and the real reasons to build upper body muscle? They are valid reasons too and something everyone desires.

Get started with your plan to build upper body muscle today. Do it for health and increased strength. And do it for all those other important reasons too.

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