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Are You Related To These Notable Figures In Womens Herstory?

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Womens Herstory Month (pronounced her story) is celebrated each year in the month of March. The term herstory stems back to the late 1960s when women wanted to find separation from the word history, and the representation of the pronoun his.

Womens Herstory has changed from a method to describe historical events in the 1960s to a month-long celebration of accomplishments of women. Today, colleges and universities across the United States hold ceremonies, conferences and various events that gather influential female leaders.

In recognition of Womens Herstory Month, below are some highlights of notable women and their pioneering accomplishments. Consider your familys genealogy and vital record history. Are you related to any of these famous women?

Betsy Ross (1752 - 1836) Seamstress who made the first American flag.

Molly Pitcher (Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley) (1754 - 1832) Initially she brought water to soldiers on the field during the Revolutionary War; however, when her husband was injured in battle, she took over his gun.

Deborah Sampson (1760 1827) Fought in the Revolutionary War by pretending to be a man.

Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811 1896) Author of Uncle Toms Cabin, a book about the horrors of slavery in the south, which sold 500,000 copies.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815 1902) Social activist and leader in the womens rights movement.

Lucy Stone (1818 1893) Organizer of the first national womens rights convention, Lucy Stone is also one of the first women in the United States to earn a college degree, graduating first in her class from Oberlin College in 1847.

Susan B. Anthony (1820 1906) First woman to have her picture on an American coin, she is the founder of the National Womans Suffrage Association and a pioneer in the fight for Womens Rights.

Harriet Tubman (1820 1913) Abolitionist and conductor on the Underground Railroad, leading more than 300 slaves to freedom.

Clara Barton (1821 1912) Founder of the American Red Cross and nurse during the Civil War.

Elizabeth Blackwell (1821 - 1910) - First woman physician, founder of the New York Infirmary for Women and Children, and founder of the Womens Medical College in 1867.

Emily Dickinson (1830 1886) Poet and American literature contributor.

Louisa May Alcott (1832 1888) Author of Little Women" and Little Men." She is also known for her work to get voting rights for women.

Carry Nation (1846 1911) Member of the temperance movement in pre-Prohibition America.

Juliette Gordon Low (1860 1927) Founder of the American Girl Scouts.

Grandma" Moses (Anna Mary Robertson) (1860 1961) American folk artist and popular American painter who sold her first painting when she was 78 years old.

Nellie Bly (Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman) (1864 1922) Conducted an undercover expose in which she faked insanity to uncover and expose conditions in mental hospitals. She is also known for a 72-day record-breaking trip around the world.

Marie Curie (1867 1934) Two-time Nobel prize wining scientist famous for her work with her husband on radioactivity, leading to the discovery of radium and polonium.

Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867 - 1957) Author of the "Little House on the Prairie" series of books.

Mary Francis Winston Newton (1869 - 1959) The first American woman to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics.

Helen Keller (1880 1968) First person to overcome both blindness and deafness, who then proceeded to graduate from college. She is also known for her work as an author, activist and lecturer.

Georgia OKeeffe (1887 1986) Artist famous for her paintings of flowers.

Clara McBride Hale (1905 - 1992) Founded Hale House, a home for children with AIDS.

Rachel Carson (1907 1964) Marine biologist and science writer known for her work to help ban DDT, a chemical that was killing millions of birds and fish.

Lucille Ball (1910 - 1989) Actress and comedy television star.

Rosa Parks (1913 - 2005) Civil rights figure known for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Ala.

Coretta Scott King (1927 - 2006) Civil rights figure known for carrying the fight for civil rights after the assassination of her husband, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sandra Day OConnor (1930 - ) First woman to serve as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

Barbara Jordan (1936 1996) Politician famous for being the first African American from a southern state to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and the first African American to be a keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention.

Madeleine Albright (1937 - ) First woman appointed as U.S. Secretary of State.

Wilma Mankiller (1945 - ) First woman chief of the Cherokee Nation.

Did you see any names that might be part of your family tree? Are you curious to learn more about your family genealogy? Various online services, such as, and, offer genealogy mapping to help research your familys history. A related segment to genealogy services is the industry of vital records, which has also undergone advances through technology.

Researching and obtaining a government-issued birth certificate, death certificate, marriage record or divorce record used to involve communicating with a local municipal office. Today, many of these local offices and state vital record agencies have partnered with VitalChek Network, Inc., a government-authorized expediting certificate service with contractual agreements in all 50 states as well as in most major metropolitan areas.

Womens Herstory Month is a great opportunity to reflect on famous women who have affected our society. In addition, its a great opportunity to learn more about your familys unique genealogy history. With some time and research, you might even discover you are related to one of these famous women.

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