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Brides - Lose Those Extra Pounds Before the Wedding Day

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If you have found this I'm going to assume that you are on your way to a new life with that someone special.
Congratulations! You are going to be very busy in the months building up to your wedding day.
You will be looking for photographers, musicians or a DJ.
You'll want to find the prefect place for a reception and the perfect menu to make your day memorable.
Finding the perfect dress for yourself and your bridesmaids, the fittings and alterations and the many other choices and decisions you will have to make over the next several months.
Have you considered taking care of yourself in all this? You are going to want to stand up with your new spouse looking and feeling your best.
This includes losing that 5 or 10 or 50 pounds that you've been thinking about for years.
This is the perfect time and motivation to do so.
AND the perfect time to make proper diet and exercise a part of your daily life.
Start your new life with a new "you".
It's simple and easy once you make it a part of your life.
Planning a wedding is a very stressful time for many brides and they often find themselves consumed by a schedule that leaves them open to the many pitfalls of fast food restaurants and late night couch potato sessions.
Often it isn't until the final dress fittings that many brides realize that this runaround schedule has resulted in a 10 pound weight gain that requires yet another dress fitting and (yet another unexpected expense!) Don't let this happen to you.
Show up on your special day feeling your best and looking like the cover of "Bride's" magazine.
I would encourage all brides, bridesmaids, grooms, and mothers of the bride, etc.
to try this amazing product.
Take at least ONE thing off that momentous wedding "To Do" list.
The system (YOUR diet) is a TOOL.
It's not a fad, not a pill, and it's not a strenuous work out that you do for 2 hours everyday (or more likely do for 10 minutes, pull a muscle, and never try again)! It's a PLAN that helps you to tailor a diet and exercise plane for YOU! You've all heard people say, "I have slow metabolism", haven't you.
Have you heard of "circadian rhythm"? The circadian rhythm, otherwise known as the "body clock," coordinates the metabolic demands of our daily wake/sleep cycle.
Ours is, of course a 24-hour clock.
When your circadian rhythm is disrupted (like when planning a wedding), your body becomes stressed (like when planning a wedding), causing loss of muscle tone and weight gain.
Bingo!! Is it no wonder that so many brides NEED that last minute dress fitting and alteration? This program will help you learn about your metabolism and how to deal with the natural stressors in your life.
Your WHOLE life - not just the months before your wedding day.
Take a look at their website and see for yourself.
My daughter started the program about 6 months before her wedding and still maintains and uses the skills that she learned after two anniversaries.
Stop by anytime as I'm sure your busy making plans - we'll leave the light on for you.

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