Confused But Here’S My Perspective
I'm sure you consider your viewers every confuse and then I'm a lot of physicians are confused but here's my perspective if your address for skin cancer if you've had melanoma rate risk for melanoma if you have a family history you don't have to sacrifice your skin to get your vitamin D there is a healthy alternative to getting your vitamin D that includes the fat diet that that's rich and foods that are way I'm the rich and supplements so the skin doesn't have to be sacrificed to free to stay healthy and get you adequate amount of vitamin D alright now other any components in the sunscreens that you might be concerned about putting on your skin and absorbed through skin or putting on children and if so is there a better alternative right so with children.
The American Academy of Family Physicians Pediatrics does not recommend using sunscreens in children under the age of six months so before six months keeping our son cover them up after six months and sunscreens are generally accepted to be safe what I personally recommend and what I use on and my little boy is as a sunscreen hats is not a chemical sunscreen that's a physical there and those are products that are us solely a purely titanium dioxide or zinc oxide so titanium dioxide zinc oxide that's the same as what I use in you look at that light but it's that that's protecting it protects you and its it stays on your skin it doesn't really get absorbed and that's how it blocks the race by blocking the race and you still needing to reapply every two hours you still need to hang out with reporters here and overall even with the chemical sunscreens the vast majority of the studies have shown that they're safe this small potential risk of chemical sunscreen.
It's far less than the known hazard of a skin cancer melanoma are dying from a melanoma so you know a lot of times in life you have to ask ourselves what are the risks what are the benefits you know and way mouth and then use what you what you make sense for you yes from absolutely so perhaps a mineral base or one of the season make your choice and a few don't spend allot of time in the Sun you might want to at some vitamin D as [ aktive am ] supplement or think that face have I think that just about covers it that's great now let's watch another ageless advantage studies in the nineteen fifties Adventist man to have low levels of total cholesterol mom an important factor in preventing heart disease nowadays cholesterol can be divided into healthy and unhealthy fractions a recent study again compared at been is meant to their not have been.
The American Academy of Family Physicians Pediatrics does not recommend using sunscreens in children under the age of six months so before six months keeping our son cover them up after six months and sunscreens are generally accepted to be safe what I personally recommend and what I use on and my little boy is as a sunscreen hats is not a chemical sunscreen that's a physical there and those are products that are us solely a purely titanium dioxide or zinc oxide so titanium dioxide zinc oxide that's the same as what I use in you look at that light but it's that that's protecting it protects you and its it stays on your skin it doesn't really get absorbed and that's how it blocks the race by blocking the race and you still needing to reapply every two hours you still need to hang out with reporters here and overall even with the chemical sunscreens the vast majority of the studies have shown that they're safe this small potential risk of chemical sunscreen.
It's far less than the known hazard of a skin cancer melanoma are dying from a melanoma so you know a lot of times in life you have to ask ourselves what are the risks what are the benefits you know and way mouth and then use what you what you make sense for you yes from absolutely so perhaps a mineral base or one of the season make your choice and a few don't spend allot of time in the Sun you might want to at some vitamin D as [ aktive am ] supplement or think that face have I think that just about covers it that's great now let's watch another ageless advantage studies in the nineteen fifties Adventist man to have low levels of total cholesterol mom an important factor in preventing heart disease nowadays cholesterol can be divided into healthy and unhealthy fractions a recent study again compared at been is meant to their not have been.