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How Invisalign Works

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Updated April 01, 2015.

Invisalign is a modern way of straightening teeth. It combines the necessary steps needed to straighten teeth with custom made state-of-the-art aligners. This alternative to standard metal and ceramic braces is gaining popularity worldwide. If you are considering Invisalign to straighten your teeth, you most-likely are wondering how it all works. The easy process will surprise you and help you decide if Invisalign is the right teeth straightening option for you.

Ideal Candidates for Invisalign

Adults and teens that have misaligned or slightly crooked teeth plus healthy gums are ideal candidates for Invisalign. If you are not sure if you are a good candidate, speak to your dentist about Invisalign. Your dentist will examine your teeth and gums, ultimately providing you with a solid answer as to whether Invisalign is a suitable option.

What is Invisalign Made From?

The aligners are created out of thermoplastic material. They resemble teeth-whitening trays that are in the market today. Your aligners will be created specifically for you. Each aligner will be used for a specific time frame and then changed to the next one in your sequence of Invisalign aligners.

The Straightening Process

The aligners will gradually adjust the position of your teeth. This is carefully planned by your dentist. Each step shifts your teeth into position. Each aligner is usually used for two weeks at a time. Once the two weeks are complete, you will wear your next aligner scheduled in your teeth straightening schedule.

The aligners use controlled force to move your teeth using precise timing during the treatment process. The individual aligners allow specific teeth to move into place, which will ultimately cause your teeth to straighten and give you a gorgeous smile.

Removable and Convenient

The Invisalign aligner trays can be removed at anytime during treatment. In fact, it is mandatory to remove the Invisalign aligner while eating and drinking. It also allows you the opportunity to briefly remove them for special occasions like special events and celebrations. This is an option that standard braces do not offer you. While enjoying your meal, you can soak your aligners in a specially formulated cleaner that is part of your Invisalign treatment. Keep in mind though that the aligner trays need to be worn for 20 to 22 hours per day. 

Cleaning and Caring for Aligners

The process of caring for your aligners is easy and simple. You clean them on a daily basis. The Invisalign system offers a specialized cleaning system that helps you keep your aligners in top condition. You can also choose to carefully brush the aligners and rinse them with lukewarm water. It is wise to keep your aligners clean and free from bacteria. Otherwise it can lead to gum disease and other issues.

Restrictions and Rules

The good news is you can eat and drink anything you wish as long as you remove the aligners first. Only moderate consumption of alcohol is recommended due to the amount of sugars alcohol contains. Sugary foods can cause tooth decay and bacteria to grow. Always brush your teeth after each meal, snack or sugary drink. Smoking is not recommended during Invisalign treatment because it can cause your aligners to become yellow in color. If the aligner becomes discolored it will make your teeth look the same way. It will also make the aligner more noticeable.

What Happens after Treatment?

Once treatment is complete your dentist will fit you for a custom-made retainer. Usually this retainer is used at night while sleeping. It is meant to prevent your teeth from moving and shifting back into their original position. Failure to wear the retainer will could put you at risk for having to repeat the Invisalign process.

If you feel you are a good candidate for Invisalign, getting started on the process is easy -- simply make an appointment with your dentist to discuss if this option is best for your individual situation. 

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