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Toxic Heavy Metal - Arsenic

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Toxic Heavy Metal:  Arsenic

Extremely poisonous as well as colorless and odorless, arsenic can enter the body through the mouth, lungs and skin.  Arsenic is the most common cause of acute heavy metal poisoning in adults.  Arsenic is released into the environment by the smelting process of copper, zinc, and lead, as well as by the manufacturing of chemicals and glasses. Arsenic is found in water supplies worldwide with exposure of marine life.  It affects the blood, kidneys, and central nervous, digestive, and skin systems.

Arsenic exposure: beer, chemical processing plants, cigarette smoke, coal combustion, drinking water, fungicides, meats and seafood, metal foundries, ore smelting plants, paints, pesticides, polluted air, rat poisoning, salt – table, seafood from coastal waters – oysters, shrimp, muscles, specialty glass products, water – drinking, weed killers, and wood preservatives.  Workers in metal smelters, coal burning plants, manufacture of semiconductors, pesticides, opal glass, pharmaceuticals, paint, leather tanning, and taxidermists.

Arsenic toxicity symptoms and disorders: abdominal pain, acrocyanosis and necrosis, anemia, anorexia, apathy, blindness – progressive, cardiotoxicity, colic, coryza, death, dementia, dermatitis, diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, edema, eczema, enzyme inhibitor, fatigue, fever, fluid loss, garlic odor on breath or stool, gastrointestinal system, goiter, hair loss, headache, hemolysis, hyperkeratosis – increased pigmentation of palms and soles, herpes, hyperpigmentation, jaundice, kidney damage or failure, leukonychia, liver dysfunction, lungs and and lung cancer, mental impairment, motor coordination, nausea, nervous disorders, pallor, paresthesis, paralysis, respiratory diseases, salivation – excessive, septum perforation,  sensorimotor neuropathy, shock, skin disorders, spasms, stomatitis, stupor, throat constriction, vascular effects – Raynaud's, vertigo, and vomiting,

Metals accumulate in the human body through air, water, food, soil and skin absorption. Heavy metal contamination is an extremely serious problem.   Over time these heavy metals continue to slowly accumulate and the body's immune system can only withstand so much saturation by external toxins over time.   Toxins must be eliminated faster then they enter the body, otherwise the buildup can eventually reach toxic and dangerous levels.

Metals are common in our environment and diet and some are actually necessary for good health, but large amounts of any of them may cause acute or chronic toxicity.  In small quantities, certain heavy metals are nutritionally essential for a healthy life, including trace elements; iron, copper, manganese, and zinc. These elements are commonly found naturally in fruits and vegetables or supplements.

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