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How To Banish Cellulite If You Are Older Than 50

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Cellulite, the medical skin condition, is closely tied to age.
Older women show a higher tendency of developing cellulite for two reasons.
The first reason is beyond the age of 35 the body starts forming more fatty deposits.
The second reason is the skin in old age loses its firmness and elasticity.
Not only this, it is difficult to get rid of cellulite after the age of 40, but it is not impossible.
We will show you how to get rid of cellulite if your older than 50.
Cellulite Removal after 50 - Tips and Tricks Most women gain weight as they age.
It is caused by hormonal fluctuations occurring during menopause.
Weight gain makes cellulite more prominent.
Hence, if you are over 50 and you want to treat this medical skin condition, you should maintain steady and healthy weight.
One can adopt various approaches.
It includes diet, exercise and supplements.
  • Dietary Changes
When it comes to an anti-cellulite diet, you should east fiber-rich, water-rich and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables.
Choose colorful fruits and vegetables because they are richest sources of antioxidants.
Antioxidants improve the quality of skin and prevent premature aging.
Eat berries, sweet peppers, tomatoes, parsley, cabbage and citrus fruits.
Also eat whole grains and lean protein in plenty.
You can cut back on foods containing a high proportion of trans-fat, refined sugar and sodium.
It is better to consume fruits and vegetables in their raw form to reap the best benefits for cellulite.
  • Fluid Intake
Along with eating healthy, one should also drink plenty of water.
Water helps flush out toxins from the body which otherwise accumulate and are stored in fat cells.
It also restores skin moisture and reinforces its tone.
  • Cellulite Supplements
Many women struggle to lose weight after they cross the 40 mark.
This is because weight gain is partially controlled by dietary habits and partially by hormonal fluctuations.
As a result, cellulite gets worse as the pounds continue to creep in.
This is where you could consider the use of the anti-cellulite supplements.
With active ingredients such as grape-seed bioflavonoid, sweet clover and gingko biloba, these supplements treat cellulite inside out.
They improve blood circulation, speed up metabolism and break up fat deposits, thereby improving the appearance of cellulite.
However, when choosing cellulite supplements you should proceed with caution.
Choose only FDA approved products or ask a doctor for recommendations.
  • Skin Care
Proper skin care helps treat cellulite by restoring skin radiance.
A daily skin care routine includes cleansing and moisturizing.
You should exfoliate the skin at least once a week.
Exfoliation sloughs off dead skin cells and promotes cellular regeneration.
The dry skin brushing technique is a good cellulite removal treatment.
In addition to exfoliating the skin, the massaging action also stimulates the lymphatic system - the body's drainage system.
When it comes to skin care for cellulite removal in women over 50, body wraps namely the coffee-grind wrap also helps.
  • Lifestyle Habits
Review your lifestyle and habits.
In this modern age, we easily give in to trends such as smoking and alcohol consumptions.
The euphoric effects are temporary and display negative effects in the long run.
Smoking dehydrates the body.
It also destroys collagen and affects the skin's ability to renew itself effectively.
The skin takes on a saggy and wrinkled look and gets a leathery texture worsening the appearance of lumps and bumps.
Hence, if you want to get rid of thigh cellulite, you should quit smoking and drinking.

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