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The Five Chronic Kidney Disease Stages

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There are five chronic kidney disease stages that persons undergo through when they acquire the said disease. It is a disease that gradually diminishes the kidney and voids the kidneys of their function over a period of time, which can range from months to years.

A healthy kidney diet can help prevent chronic kidney disease or can prevent it and delay it from going to end-stage disease or permanent failure of the kidney. Such diet can help control and regulate the accumulation of waste, toxins, and fluid in the blood and greatly aid the kidneys.

The five chronic kidney disease stages are proportionate to the severity of the disease. As the kidney disease worsens, the stage also increases. These stages are measured through the glomerular filtration rate (or GFR), a measure of the kidney's function stated in mL/min/1.73m2. A lower GFR indicates a worse stage.

On the first stage of kidney disease, there is already slight kidney damage (a GFR of more than 90), which affects the filtration function of the kidney. This means that the function of the kidney involving filtering blood is starting to degrade. On the second stage, there is a minimal decrease of the kidney's function, where the GFR is at 60 - 89. The third stage indicates a moderate decrease of function at 30 - 59 GFR. The fourth stage of such disease indicates severe degradation of the kidney's function, where the GFR is alarmingly at 15 - 29.

During these stages prior to kidney failure, toxic substances, fluids, and waste will begin to accumulate since the kidney is not able to filter and excrete these matters. Other effects of kidney disease include high blood pressure, anemia, bone disease, acidosis, and even cholesterol - related disorders.

Lastly, at Stage 5, there is permanent or almost permanent kidney failure, where the GFR is only less than 15. At this stage, a dialysis or transplantation might already be needed to maintain other organs present in the body. This stage is also called the end-stage of the disease or end-stage renal disease. At Stage 5, toxic substances, fluids, and waste have already accumulated to an uncontrollable level.

You should not wait for the fifth and last stage before you have yourself checked by the doctor. As early as the first stage, you should already be seeking the necessary treatment to prevent further damage. Do not wait for the chronic kidney disease stages to develop.

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