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Skin Tags in the Genitals

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Skin tags in the genitals are those growths that grow to the right or left side of the genital area of men who are middle-aged.
These epithelial polyps are completely different than skin tags growing in the groin area and they are completely different than growths growing in the area of the vagina.
These polyps are genetic.
These polyps can be an awful embarrassment to a man trying to attract a female.
They often have to explain to their friend that these skin tags are not contagious.
These growths can develop on anyone.
It doesn't matter how old the individual is, it is just a problem that occurs.
They are often darker than the surrounding skin or they can be the same color.
It has nothing to do with how rich or poor you are or your religious affiliation, and it is not caused by being unsanitary.
No one knows for sure what causes skin tags.
It is often thought that these growths grow where skin touches skin.
These growths grow in the genital crease.
There are various reasons these growths develop because not all males in the United States or the world for that matter develop these growths.
One culprit that is often blamed is diabetes or there may be other disease that contributes to the formation of these growths.
There is also some indication that the human papilloma virus 6 or 11 could be involved.
These growths are no health risk, and they are very seldom cancerous.
They are just excess skin that has developed.
This excessive growth is caused by friction.
Some men with these genital skin tags have become worried because these genital tags have become larger perhaps suggesting that they might be developing cancer in that area.
The reason skin growths are removed is various.
One predominant reason is that they often become sore due to twisting.
The other reason that they might be removed is that they interfere with sexual activity.
Epithelial polyps are often removed with minimal pain.
The individual is given a local deadener.
The growth is moved by cutting it off.
This is called surgical excursion.
They can be removed by tying a string around the growth.
This is called ligation.
however, tying these growths off with string can be more painful than freezing them off.
This freezing of skin tags off is known are cryotherapy.
In cryotherapy liquid nitrogen is used to freeze off the growth.
This method gets rid of the growth without damaging the surrounding skin.
Off all the methods that are used cryotherapy is used the most.
When you use the cryotherapy method the skin tag just falls off.
This might cause a wee bit of pain in the genital area.
This method can be done in the doctor's office and often take only 20 seconds to complete.
If you have any large growth you may have to visit the doctor more than once.
One last option that can be used is one in which creams can be applied.

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