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Skinny Guys - Find Out How To Build Muscle

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Have you ever thought that it was simply impossible to gain real amounts of solid lean muscle. Have you been searching around the internet because you think you have literally tried every way to build muscle without success? Well, you may have the basics wrong. There are literally 7 types of exercises that you need to focus your weekly workout routines around.

If you are doing the wrong kinds of exercise, as a skinny guy, you are doomed to failure. Your body type is going to have a hard time converting your exercise into real muscle, and what's worse you are going to have a real hard time actually keeping the muscle you do build.

So, how do you change your genetic code? Well, I am happy to tell you it's not impossible to change the kind of body type you are. Your actual genetic code may be a little more difficult than that to change.

As I mentioned earlier there is a group of 7 different exercises that will really put a different spin on your bodybuilding experience. Some of these you will probably be doing now, but it's not good enough to do some, you have to do them all every week. Each has a few different variations, so don't worry there are plenty of different actual exercises you will be doing. But the basic movements are grouped into 7 different categories.

For your upper body the movements are bench press, overhead press, pull downs, rows, and don't forget about the bodyweight exercises, chin-ups and dips. These movements will hit all the muscle of the upper body, and they will literally tear those muscle fibers and ensure that you are growing when you are resting.

The lower body has a shorter list, but trust me the exercises are by far the most important in any strength training or muscle building program. They are squats and deadlifts. If you are a skinny guy looking to learn how to build muscle you must work your legs. Don't think that you will skip your legs to do more upper body work.

You need to work your legs because your legs are literally the largest muscle group in the body. By working them you release hormones and testosterone into your blood stream. This testosterone not only help to build great powerful legs but it also works to build all the muscles of your upper body. Simply put, you will not have success building muscle without squats and deadlifts.

So make sure that you are working out properly and working to build all those muscles. The real key is hitting all these muscle groups once per week with an intense workout. You need to ensure that it is intense but it doesn't have to be a marathon workout. If you add enough intensity you should be in and out of the gym within 45 minutes. Once you get more advanced you can even do it quicker, because you can add super sets and tri sets to your routine

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