Forgotten Exercises: The Handstand Press-Up Against Wall.
Forgotten Exercises:
The Handstand Press-Up Against Wall
by Kevin Carbone,
If you have ever watched the Olympic Games you probably noticed
the strong shoulder and arm development on the male gymnasts.
This comes from many hours of practice with the execution of
pressing into a handstand as the main catalyst for the majority of
their complex moves.
Back in the 1950's and early 1960's the Handstand Press-Up
was used by many bodybuilding and fitnesss enthusiasts to
develop their shoulders into €Cannonball Delt€ proportions.
Originally used by early gymnasts and hand balancers to get into
a handstand, this movement was embraced by early bodybuilders
who saw its muscle building potential.
For some reason (probably because it is difficult - no panty
waists allowed!) this exercise lost popularity and is rarely
seen today.
Let's start a Handstand Press-Up revival! (No Girlie-Men need
apply!) This exercise bombs the shoulders (deltoids), arms
(tricep area), back, and a host of stabilizer muscles used for
balancing under resistance. Also, you'll increase your poundage
in the military press as this exercise attacks the same muscles
but from a different angle. As an extra added bonus there is no
equipment needed except a wall and with a little extra practice
you can learn to do a true handstand without the help of
the wall.
To start, place your hands on the floor about shoulder width
apart and approximately 12 to 18 inches from a wall. Experiment
to find a handspacing and distance from the wall that is
comfortable for you. Kick up into the handstand position with
your feet resting against the wall. It helps to be barefoot or in
socks. Next, keeping your head back, slowly and deliberately
bend your arms and lower your body until your forehead is almost
touching the floor. Now with your feet still against the wall press
your body back up to where you started by straightening your
arms. This is a difficult exercise, especially for women, and you
may be lucky to do only one rep at first. If this is the case
start off by doing €negatives€ which in this case would mean to
start from the arms straight position and very slowly lower your
body to the low position resisting all the way. Repeat these
€negatives€ for several reps. Gradually with patience and
practice, over time you will be able to push yourself back up to
the top for several repetitions.
To make this exercise even harder you can place a thick book
under each hand. This will force you to lower your body even
further thus placing more stress on your arms (triceps) and
shoulders (deltoids). However, this is a more advanced version
that will take a bit of practice to work up to.
After you have acquired the control, balance, and strength
necessary to do this exercise correctly you can gently push your
feet away from the wall and try to maintain a true handstand
position as long as you can. If your legs fall down to the floor,
be persistent and kick them back so that your feet are touching
the wall and once again gently push them away like before.
Again, hold this unassisted handstand as long as you can.
Like everything else in life, practice, practice, practice is the
key to success!
The Handstand Press-Up Against Wall
by Kevin Carbone,
If you have ever watched the Olympic Games you probably noticed
the strong shoulder and arm development on the male gymnasts.
This comes from many hours of practice with the execution of
pressing into a handstand as the main catalyst for the majority of
their complex moves.
Back in the 1950's and early 1960's the Handstand Press-Up
was used by many bodybuilding and fitnesss enthusiasts to
develop their shoulders into €Cannonball Delt€ proportions.
Originally used by early gymnasts and hand balancers to get into
a handstand, this movement was embraced by early bodybuilders
who saw its muscle building potential.
For some reason (probably because it is difficult - no panty
waists allowed!) this exercise lost popularity and is rarely
seen today.
Let's start a Handstand Press-Up revival! (No Girlie-Men need
apply!) This exercise bombs the shoulders (deltoids), arms
(tricep area), back, and a host of stabilizer muscles used for
balancing under resistance. Also, you'll increase your poundage
in the military press as this exercise attacks the same muscles
but from a different angle. As an extra added bonus there is no
equipment needed except a wall and with a little extra practice
you can learn to do a true handstand without the help of
the wall.
To start, place your hands on the floor about shoulder width
apart and approximately 12 to 18 inches from a wall. Experiment
to find a handspacing and distance from the wall that is
comfortable for you. Kick up into the handstand position with
your feet resting against the wall. It helps to be barefoot or in
socks. Next, keeping your head back, slowly and deliberately
bend your arms and lower your body until your forehead is almost
touching the floor. Now with your feet still against the wall press
your body back up to where you started by straightening your
arms. This is a difficult exercise, especially for women, and you
may be lucky to do only one rep at first. If this is the case
start off by doing €negatives€ which in this case would mean to
start from the arms straight position and very slowly lower your
body to the low position resisting all the way. Repeat these
€negatives€ for several reps. Gradually with patience and
practice, over time you will be able to push yourself back up to
the top for several repetitions.
To make this exercise even harder you can place a thick book
under each hand. This will force you to lower your body even
further thus placing more stress on your arms (triceps) and
shoulders (deltoids). However, this is a more advanced version
that will take a bit of practice to work up to.
After you have acquired the control, balance, and strength
necessary to do this exercise correctly you can gently push your
feet away from the wall and try to maintain a true handstand
position as long as you can. If your legs fall down to the floor,
be persistent and kick them back so that your feet are touching
the wall and once again gently push them away like before.
Again, hold this unassisted handstand as long as you can.
Like everything else in life, practice, practice, practice is the
key to success!