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Flat Stomach Workouts Help

103 38
If you think your stomach is a bit more flabby than you like, you need to take action.
There's a lot of different flat stomach workouts out there, but the one I like best, and you should start with is actually not what you think it is.
The workout I'm talking about is actually simple walking or jogging.
The reason for that is this: there's more than likely other parts of your body that also needs to be a little tighten up as well as your stomach, and through walking and jogging you will make that happen.
Ordinary ab workouts like sit-ups is fine too, but that alone will not give you those rock hard abs you've always wanted.
If you can walk 3 times a week (fast-paced walk), that should be enough.
This will actually also be very good for your heart and you will get stronger and more energy as well.
So I recommend that you start out with walking and jogging at first, combined with a few simple ab workouts, such as sit-ups.
Good ab workouts can be:
  • Cross Crunch: lay on your back with your knee bent and rest your left foot on the floor.
    Now, bend your right knee and put your right foot across your left knee.
    Your right arm need to rest alongside your body while you put your left hand behind your head.
    Now you can start the exercise.
    Bring your left shoulder towards your right knee, then go back to the starting position, and do the same with your right shoulder.
    Make sure you're curling and twisting your torso simultaneously.
  • Basic Crunch: lay on your back and place your hands on the side of your head.
    Now bend your knees so they're in a 90 degree angle and rest both feets on the floor (make sure they're flat).
    Now the exercise can begin.
    Start with lifting your upper body so your chest touches your knees.
    If this is too hard, do it as long up as you can go.
    Keep in mind that your legs should not move while you're doing this for best effect.
  • Reverse Crunch: lay on your back and place your hands either on the floor beside your hips or behind your head.
    I would place them beside my hips.
    Keep your knees bent and hold your feet about 6-7 inches above the floor.
    Now the exercise can start.
    Draw your knees towards your chest.
    This will lift your butt up and you will notice that you're using the abdominal muscles.
    Now, slowly lower your legs back in to the starting position and make sure to keep your feet about 6-7 inches above the floor at any time.
Tip: Try to do this as controlled as you can every time.
This will give you best effect.
But if you want to burn belly fat to get to see your abs, this alone will not be enough.
Then you need to teach yourself about what you should eat and drink.

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