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What Can I Do for a Toothache?

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    Oil of Cloves

    • Dentists and physicians of every caliber have prescribed oil of cloves for centuries to remedy toothaches. The reason for this is that oil of cloves contains antiseptic properties that actually kill bacteria as well as other germs that can worsen the problem. Just a drop or two of oil of cloves onto a cotton swab or even your fingerprint can bring about immediate relief. Make sure you apply the oil of cloves only to the area that's causing pain, Do not swallow the oil as it can cause a very unpleasant burning sensation.

    Salt Water Gargle

    • If you don't have or can't get oil of cloves, the next best thing is to mix 1/4 tsp. of salt into 6 oz. of water. Salt water has the effect of reducing any swelling that may be taking place. Salt water is also good for relieving minor pain, though it won't get rid of harsher pain the way oil of cloves will.

    Ice Pack

    • The ice pack strategy to dealing with a toothache can be tricky. The problem is that ice will help relieve the pain for most people, but for some people it will actually make things worse. Wrap an ice cube in a paper towel and hold it against your cheek directly at the spot where the pain is located. If after a few minutes you feel the pain getting worse, then immediately remove the ice. If the pain does not worsen, keeping the ice there will numb the nerves that are sending pain signals.

    Dental Wax

    • In order to seal off the cavity so bacteria cannot eat away at it, causing more pain and perhaps a more expensive visit to the dentist, go to a drugstore and purchase what is called dental wax. Dental wax can be molded directly onto the tooth and will seal the cavity shut. If you can find dental wax or your drug store doesn't have it, beeswax will work in a pinch.


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