Give Your Career a Boost With Botox
It's a competitive working world out there, especially within today's current economic climate.
It is a challenge trying to work your way up the corporate ladder whilst still keeping your integrity, especially with fresh new talent entering the working world every week.
If you are already in a job, research has found that more mature members of office environments find working with younger people in the workplace, who look more youthful and wrinkle-free, difficult as it's a real confidence knocker.
If you have been directly affected by the recession due to being made redundant or the company having to close, you may find yourself near the end of your career unable to find a new job.
Going to interviews after years of employment can be extremely daunting, so by giving yourself that extra boost you could be ensuring the job that you really desire.
You can stand out as the prospective employee that every boss would want as you gleam, grinning, brimming with self-assurance knowing that the image that you are projecting is the best that you can be.
So what can you do to give your career the boost you need? Undergoing a non-surgical procedure such as Botox could make you look much younger, whilst still enabling you to keep all the working knowledge you have gathered over the years.
Many find that their boss takes them more seriously, colleagues are more helpful and even office romances can start to bloom as you reach your full confidence potential.
Where can I have the procedure done? Choose a practitioner or clinic from the Independent Health Advisory Service's (IHAS) register "Treatments You Can Trust", as this is the only recommended list, so that you can be sure you are having the treatment somewhere safe.
What will happen during the treatment? Following a consultation from a registered doctor, nurse or practitioner you will have the Botox injected into the areas of concern, taking only a short amount of time so that you could have it done before an interview or on your lunch-break! How does Botox work? Botox works by being injected directly, in extremely small doses, into a specific muscle where it blocks the electrical signals from the brain to the muscle.
As the muscle weakens, the skin overlying the muscle relaxes allowing muscle contractions to soften and often disappear.
During this time, the wrinkled skin is able to heal as the muscle is no longer able to contract and 'fracture' the skin.
This, essentially, is what a wrinkle is: a fracture in the skin.
Botox isn't going to guarantee you the job that you want, but if you give yourself the best chance you can by improving your look and your outlook, you will come across as the kind of candidate the majority of workplaces will be looking for.
It is amazing what a difference an anti-ageing treatment like Botox can make to how you feel about yourself and therefore how you come across to others.
It is a challenge trying to work your way up the corporate ladder whilst still keeping your integrity, especially with fresh new talent entering the working world every week.
If you are already in a job, research has found that more mature members of office environments find working with younger people in the workplace, who look more youthful and wrinkle-free, difficult as it's a real confidence knocker.
If you have been directly affected by the recession due to being made redundant or the company having to close, you may find yourself near the end of your career unable to find a new job.
Going to interviews after years of employment can be extremely daunting, so by giving yourself that extra boost you could be ensuring the job that you really desire.
You can stand out as the prospective employee that every boss would want as you gleam, grinning, brimming with self-assurance knowing that the image that you are projecting is the best that you can be.
So what can you do to give your career the boost you need? Undergoing a non-surgical procedure such as Botox could make you look much younger, whilst still enabling you to keep all the working knowledge you have gathered over the years.
Many find that their boss takes them more seriously, colleagues are more helpful and even office romances can start to bloom as you reach your full confidence potential.
Where can I have the procedure done? Choose a practitioner or clinic from the Independent Health Advisory Service's (IHAS) register "Treatments You Can Trust", as this is the only recommended list, so that you can be sure you are having the treatment somewhere safe.
What will happen during the treatment? Following a consultation from a registered doctor, nurse or practitioner you will have the Botox injected into the areas of concern, taking only a short amount of time so that you could have it done before an interview or on your lunch-break! How does Botox work? Botox works by being injected directly, in extremely small doses, into a specific muscle where it blocks the electrical signals from the brain to the muscle.
As the muscle weakens, the skin overlying the muscle relaxes allowing muscle contractions to soften and often disappear.
During this time, the wrinkled skin is able to heal as the muscle is no longer able to contract and 'fracture' the skin.
This, essentially, is what a wrinkle is: a fracture in the skin.
Botox isn't going to guarantee you the job that you want, but if you give yourself the best chance you can by improving your look and your outlook, you will come across as the kind of candidate the majority of workplaces will be looking for.
It is amazing what a difference an anti-ageing treatment like Botox can make to how you feel about yourself and therefore how you come across to others.