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When You Need Your Hair Fabulous - Without Any Shampoo!

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Girls love having luminous, long hair.
And the secret to that is having the best shampoo around to do the job for you.
A lot of scientific work has gone into creating the best shampoos for consumption by the most awesome customers everywhere.
Celebrities use expensive shampoos to get their hair to an amazing shine in the movies and on red carpet events.
And if you can afford to get the best shampoo on the market for you hair, it will be something that you'll definitely not regret.
But there are times when all that shampoo just runs out on you and you find yourself with absolutely nothing to put on those flowing locks of yours.
And when you don't have a penny to spare for cheap shampoo, sometimes you have to unleash your creativity a little bit.
Here are a few of the options that can make you look like a shampoo model-without the shampoo: -Mayonnaise: Some people may think this is disgusting, when you put something normally reserved for chips and sandwiches on your head.
But mayonnaise can actually be a pretty good hair care product, if used correctly.
Leftover mayonnaise can help get rid of split ends and dry hair.
Just apply it on your hair, leave it on for 5 minutes and rinse off.
-Eggs: Just when you thought that eggs were only for the breakfast table, here come these amazing ingredients to fill your day with delight.
It can really give your hair the luster it needs because eggs are so rich in protein and other nutrients.
It can prevent hair fall, remove dandruff and recreate hair.
Putting eggs in your hair from 10 minutes to an hour depending on purpose can really make your hair shine like a celebrity's.
-Beer: Not only will this drink give you amazing nights out but it will also ensure that you have wonderfully glowing hair.
It serves as a conditioner, tonic and has just enough nutrients to keep your hair from falling out.
Look at the glow from your hair after the drink and be satisfied!

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