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Excessive Personal Hygiene & Causes That Contribute to Skin Diseases

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    Overwashing to Treat Acne Can Cause Infection

    • Acne affects many adolesents.teenager image by Andrzej Solnica from

      There are several types of acne. If you experience a facial breakout or pimples on the arms and back, consult a dermatologist promptly. Acne is best controlled when treated immediately, and since pimples form when the pores of the skin or hair follicles are clogged with dirt and oil, frequent cleaning of the skin with a gentle, non-irritating soap, followed by a antibiotic salve offers some relief. However, be careful not to overwash with any product that is drying to the skin. Excessive washing with products that strip the oil from the skin leads to dryness, irritation and inflammation; leaving the skin vulnerable to infection.

    Leaving Skin Wet after Bathing Can Cause Fungal Infections

    • Ringworm is not caused by a worm, it is an unpleasant fungal infection that can affect any part of the body. Although ringworm is not tracked by health authorities, it reportedly in on the increase and can be found in all parts of the world, and in all levels of sanitation. It is prevalent in cultures that practice communal bathing or live in very close quarters. Ringworm is highly contagious and is transferred by skin-to-skin contact, unwashed garments and the sharing of personal grooming items such as towels, combs and brushes. The moist surfaces of showers, sinks and toilets are breeding sites for the fungus.

      Ringworm thrives in moist environments. Excessive workouts at the gym, bathing or swimming without drying completely, especially around the groin area, arm pits and between toes, creates a damp breeding ground for fungal infections. Cleanliness is important in the prevention of ringworm, just make sure to dry the skin. Medicated foot powder is an excellent precaution, especially for feet that tend to perspire.

    Sun Exposure Damages Skin

    Allergens Cause Contact Urticaria

    • Contact urticaria is presented by small swellings on the the skin surface surrounded by patches of redness. It is the result of an irritant coming in contact with the skin. People with sensitivities to an allergen will react. Many people experience contact urticaria from coming in contact with natural rubber latex and fragrances added to personal hygiene products.

    Contact Dermatitis

    • Contact dermatitis is caused by an irritant that was applied in significant concentration to overwhelm the skin barrier. "Dishwasher Hands" are the result of the detergent washing away the stratum corneum lipids. When the skin's ability to replenish these lipids is exceeded, dermatitis will result.

      Skin that is constantly exposed to water or cleaning solutions can experience dry, scaly skin, irritated red rashes, hives or deep cracks. Follow handwashing with a lubricating moisturizer cream. Products formulated with bee's wax are healing to very dry skin.


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