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Five Steps to Reaching Your Weight Loss Goals

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If you have not yet written out just how you are going to go about losing weight, I suggest you do so now.
Writing out a plan will keep you more focused on the tasks that you have already set for yourself and will ensure that you actually follow through and lose the weight.
Here are five steps to think about when writing out and reaching your weight loss goals.
1) Keep your goals attainable: I hate to say that some things are not possible, but that is the truth for weight loss unfortunately.
If you are 200 pounds overweight and you want to lose it all in one month, you'd better reevaluate your goals.
Safe weight loss is around a pound or so a week depending on how overweight you are.
Just make it attainable so you don't end up quitting three days after you started.
2) Focus on other things besides just weight loss: Losing weight is a numbers game that tends to flucuate every day sometimes no matter how hard you work at losing it.
Staying to focused on the numbers each day could lead you to believe the weight will never come off and you don't know why you are even trying in the first place.
Focus on other things instead like how you feel physically, how others are viewing you, or just think about the overall health benefits your new plan is bringing.
3) Be patient with results but persistent with your efforts: You should always keep in mind that you are doing this for the long term benefit for yourself.
Expecting too much too soon can easily deflate the motivation and make you quit altogether.
Just know that your persistent efforts will eventually pay off.
4) Document your achievements: I realize you are working towards a bigger number, an overall weight loss number, but keeping track and measuring your progress each week and each month is good psychologically.
It will keep you moving and maybe even moving and working harder.
Post your weekly and monthly results to reaffirm that your efforts are in fact working.
5) Do whatever it takes to stay on track: Daily action is the only way you are going to reach your weight loss goals.
You must do whatever it takes to keep that fire lit under your behind each and every day.
Put your goals in front of you so your are reminded of them often.
Then go out there in work harder than you did the day before.
Eventually you will reach the top.

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